My son is interested in land surveying in the San Antonio, Tx area.
Is it a on the job training situation? or are there technical schools for this?
Where can you get a civil engineering diploma?
The answer is dependent upon what your son wants to be in terms of surveying. Does he want to become a professional land surveyor or will he simply be a land surveyor's assistant?
I believe, after looking briefly at the Texas Board of Professional and Surveying Rules and Regulations (see link below), a land surveyor requires an accredited degree and then passing a national exam the LSIT - Land Surveyor in Training. Then he can go on to take the Professional Land Surveyor exam in which he can become a licensed Land Surveyor and practice the trade.
Otherwise, he will only be an assistant and most likely be the one who goes out to the job site to shoot the site (gather the topographical information) but cannot sign off on plans. There is probably a big difference in pay as well between the assistant and a professional. This would be similar to a practicing Civil Engineering. An unlicensed individual can do the work but they can't sign the plans and they don't get paid as much.
Both a Professional Land Surveyor and Professional Civil Engineer usually require a 4 year degree with 2 years practical experience or 6 years practical experience (college counts as 4 years of experience)
Reply:Georgia Tech has a great program
Reply:Many, many colleges and universities offer this degree. You can get one as an undergraduate. You must get a degree of this sort from some institute of higher learning. You cannot be granted one from on the job training.
Reply:Any good four-year state university will have an engineering college. Is there a campus for UT in SA? Just remember to send him off to school with about $100,000 in his pocket...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What is Land Surveying?
Land surveying is basically measuring the earth.
A land surveyor measures the distance between points and the angle between them and can generate a map with that data. These maps are used for planning roads, buildings, and dividing land into lots for sale.
The land surveyor can also take an existing map and use it to determine where property lines lay. Knowing where the property lines are is important for people who wish to use the city right of ways for burying electric or communications wires, storm and sanitary sewers and water pipes.
What is Land Surveying?
Someone asked about land surveying. “Survey” like on-line it’s a gathering %26amp; recording of info. Old record can be used for new survey. Land Surveying = Land recording, recording or verifying measurements. Did I answer question? I think original ? asked for definition of survey Report Abuse
Reply:To add to The_Bent_Searcher's good answer, one of the most imporant roles of the Land Surveyor is for legal establishment of property lines. In almost every city and county in the USA, before anyone can change property lines or dimensions or create lots legally, a land surveyor has to prepare a parcel map and have it recorded at the county in which the property resides. Most land surveyors make most of their income doing this type of work.
Reply:Land Surveying is making topographic maps (shows all the dips, ditches, hill lines, gradual rises, etc...) as well as the soil composition from just what is on top up to and including hundreds of meters down. Land Surveyors are used in road planning, construction site lay out, border verification ... Lots of stuff.
A land surveyor measures the distance between points and the angle between them and can generate a map with that data. These maps are used for planning roads, buildings, and dividing land into lots for sale.
The land surveyor can also take an existing map and use it to determine where property lines lay. Knowing where the property lines are is important for people who wish to use the city right of ways for burying electric or communications wires, storm and sanitary sewers and water pipes.
What is Land Surveying?
Someone asked about land surveying. “Survey” like on-line it’s a gathering %26amp; recording of info. Old record can be used for new survey. Land Surveying = Land recording, recording or verifying measurements. Did I answer question? I think original ? asked for definition of survey Report Abuse
Reply:To add to The_Bent_Searcher's good answer, one of the most imporant roles of the Land Surveyor is for legal establishment of property lines. In almost every city and county in the USA, before anyone can change property lines or dimensions or create lots legally, a land surveyor has to prepare a parcel map and have it recorded at the county in which the property resides. Most land surveyors make most of their income doing this type of work.
Reply:Land Surveying is making topographic maps (shows all the dips, ditches, hill lines, gradual rises, etc...) as well as the soil composition from just what is on top up to and including hundreds of meters down. Land Surveyors are used in road planning, construction site lay out, border verification ... Lots of stuff.
What is the procedure to obtain " Land Title" ( or 7/12 document towards the ownership of land) via Internet?
I understad that the land survey records are available for search and download via internet. What is the web address and procedure to view and download the certificate for your land?
What is the procedure to obtain " Land Title" ( or 7/12 document towards the ownership of land) via Internet?
Art. 109. The National Assembly may bring up bills for the amendment of the National Constitution.
Bills of this nature shall not take effect unless approved by two- thirds of the members of each House present.
No bill for the amendment of the Constitution shall be introduced unless signed by one-fourth of the members of each House.
Art. 110. The amendment of the National Constitution shall be discussed and decided by the National Constitutional Conference.
Art. 111. No proposal for a change of the form of Government shall be allowed as a subject for amendment.
Art. 112. Should there be any doubt as to the meaning of the text of the Constitution, it shall be interpreted by the National Constitutional Conference.
Art. 113. The National Constitutional Conference shall be composed of the members of the National Assembly.
Unless there be a quorum of two-thirds of the total number of the members of the National Assembly, no Constitutional Conference shall be held, and unless three-fourths of the members present vote in favour, no amendment shall be passed. But with regard to the interpretation of the Constitution, only two-thirds of the members present is required to decide an issue.
Art. ... The National Constitution shall be the Supreme Law of the land and shall be inviolable under any circumstances unless duly amended in accordance with the procedure specified in this Constitution.
[V] A Chapter on Provincial or local organization is to be inserted under Chapter ... providing for certain powers and rights to be given to local governments with the residual power left in the hands of the central government. The exact text is not yet settled.
Note: The Mark (*) indicated that the article has already been formally adopted as a part of the finished Constitution.
The mark (V) indicates that the article has not yet passed through the second reading.
Those without marks have passed through the second reading on May 28th, 1917. Articles bearing no number are additions to the original draft as presented to the Conference by the Drafting Committee.
The following Regulations on the Local System have been referred to the Parliamentary Committee for consideration:--
Article 1. The Local System shall embrace provinces and hsien districts.
Any change for the existing division of provinces and hsien districts shall be decided by the Senate. As to Mongolia, Tibet, Chinghai and other places where no provinces and hsien districts have been fixed, Parliament shall enforce these regulations there in future.
Art. 2. A province shall have the following duties and rights: (a) To fix local laws. (b) To manage provincial properties, (c) To attend to the affairs in connexion with police organization, sanitation, conservancy, roads, and public works, (d) To develop education and industry in accordance with the order and mandates of the Central Government. (e) To improve its navigation and telegraphic lines, or to undertake such enterprises with the co- operation of other provinces, (f) To organize precautionary troops for the protection of local interests, the method of whose organization, uniforms and arms shall be similar to those of the National Army. With the exception of the matter of declaring war against foreign countries, the President shall have no power to transfer these troops to other provinces: and unless the province is unable to suppress its own internal troubles, it shall not ask the Central Government for the service of the National Army, (g) The province shall defray its own expenses for the administration and the maintenance of precautionary troops; but the provinces which have hitherto received subsidies, shall continue to receive same from the National Treasury with the approval of Parliament. (h) Land, Title Deed, License, Mortgage, Tobacco and Wine, Butchery, Fishery and all other principal and additional taxes shall be considered as local revenues, (i) The province may fix rates for local tax or levy additional tax on the National Taxes. (j) The province shall have a provincial treasury. (k) It may raise provincial public loans. (l) It shall elect a certain number of Senators, (m) It shall fix regulations for the smaller local Self-Governing Bodies.
Art. 3. Besides the above rights and privileges, a province shall bear the following responsibilities:
(a) In case of financial difficulties of the Central Government, it shall share the burden according to the proportion of its revenue, (b) It shall enforce the laws and mandates promulgated by the Central Government, (c) It shall enforce the measures entrusted by the Central Government, but the latter shall bear the expenses. (d) In case the local laws and regulations are in conflict with those of the Central Government the latter may with the approval of Parliament cancel or modify the same. (e) In case of great necessity the provincial telegraph, railway, etc., may be utilized by the Central Government. (f) In case of negligence, or blunder made by the provincial authorities, which injures the interests of the nation, the Central Government, with the approval of Parliament, may reprimand and rectify same, (g) It shall not make laws on the grant of monopoly and of copyrights; neither issue bank notes, manufacture coins, make implements of weights and measures; neither grant the right to local banks to manage the Government Treasury; nor sign contracts with foreigners on the purchase or sale of lands and, mines, or mortgage land tax to them or construct naval harbours or arsenals, (h) All local laws, budgets, and other important matters shall be reported to the President from time to time, (i) The Central Government may transfer to itself the ownership of enterprises or rights which Parliament has decided should become national, (j) In case of a quarrel arising between the Central Government and the province, or between provinces, it shall be decided by Parliament, (k) In case of refusal to obey the orders of the Central Government, the President with the approval of Parliament may change the Shenchang (Governor) or dissolve the Provincial Assembly. (l) The President with the approval of Parliament may suppress by force any province which defies the Central Authorities.
Art. 4. A Shenchang shall be appointed for each province to represent the Central Government in the supervision of the local administration. The appointment shall be made with the approval of the Senate, the term of office for the Shenchang shall be four years, and his annual salary shall be $24,000, which shall be paid out of the National Treasury.
Art. 5. The administration measures entrusted by the Government to the Shenchang shall be enforced by the administrative organs under his supervision, and he shall be responsible for same.
Art. 6. In the enforcement of the laws and mandates of the Central Government, or of the laws and regulations of his province, he may issue orders.
Art. 7. The province shall establish the following five Departments, namely Interior, Police, Finance, Education and Industry. There shall be one Department Chief for each Department, to be appointed by the Shenchang.
Art. 8. A Provincial Council shall be organized to assist the Shenchang to enforce the administrative measures, and it shall be responsible to the Provincial Assembly for same.
This Council shall be composed of all the Departmental Chiefs, and five members elected out of the Provincial Assembly. It shall discuss the Bills on Budget, on administration, and on the organization, of police forces, submitted by the Shenchang.
Art. 9. If one member of the Council be impeached by the Provincial Assembly, the Shenchang shall replace him, but if the whole body of the Council be impeached, the Shenchang shall either dissolve the Assembly or dismiss all his Departmental Chiefs. In one session the Assembly shall not be dissolved twice, and after two months of the dissolution, it shall be convened again.
Art. 10. The organization and election of the Provincial Assembly shall be fixed by law.
Art. 11. The Provincial Assembly shall have the following duties and powers: (a) It may pass such laws as allowed by the Constitution, (b) It may pass the bills on the provincial Budget and Accounts, (c) It may impeach the members of the Provincial Council. (d) It may address interpellations or give suggestions to the Provincial Council. (e) It may elect Members for the Provincial Council. (f) It may attend to the petitions submitted by the public.
Art. 12. A Magistrate shall be appointed for each hsien district to enforce administrative measures. He shall be appointed directly by the Shenchang, and his term of office shall be three years.
Art. 13. The Central Government shall hold examinations in the provinces for candidates for the Magistracy. In a province half of the total number of magistrates shall be natives of the province and the other half of other provinces; but a native shall hold office of Magistrate 300 li away from his home.
Art. 14. The organization for the legislative organ of the hsien district shall be fixed by law.
The following is a translation of a memorandum prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce regarding abolition of likin and an increase of the Customs duties:--
"Disproportionate taxation on commodities at inland towns and cities tends to cripple the productive power of a country. Acting upon this principle, France in the 17th, England, America, Germany and Austria in the 18th Century abolished such kind of taxation, the Customs tariff remaining, which is a levy on imports at the first port of entry. Its purpose is to increase the cost of production of imported goods and to serve as a protection of native products (sic). Raw materials from abroad are, however, exempt from Customs duty in order to provide cheap material for home manufactures. An altogether different state of affairs, however, exists in this country. Likin stations are found throughout the country, while raw materials are taxed. Take the Hangchow silk for instance. When transported to the Capital for sale, it has to pay a tax on raw material of 18 per cent. Foreign imported goods on the other hand, are only taxed at the rate of five per cent, ad valorem Customs duty at the first port of entry with another 2.5 per cent, transit duty at one of the other ports through which the goods pass. Besides these only landing duty is imposed upon imported goods at the port of destination. Upon timber being shipped from Fengtien and Antung to Peking, it has to pay duties at five different places, the total amount of which aggregates 20 per cent, of its market value, while timber from American is taxed only ten per cent. Timber from Jueichow to Hankow and Shanghai is taxed at six different places, the total amount of duty paid aggregating 17.5 per cent., while timber imported from abroad to these ports is required to pay Customs duty only one-third thereof. The above-mentioned rates on native goods are the minimum. Not every merchant can, however, obtain such special "exemption," without a long negotiation and special arrangements with the authorities. Otherwise, a merchant must pay 25 per cent, of the market value of his goods as duty. For this reason the import of timber into this country has greatly increased within the last few years, the total amount of which being valued at $13,000,000 a year. Is this not a great injustice to native merchants?
"Respecting the improvement of the economic condition of the people, a country can hardly attain this object without developing its foreign commerce. The United States of America, Germany and Japan have one by one abolished their export duty as well as made appropriations for subsidies to encourage the export of certain kinds of commodities. We, on the other hand, impose likin all along the line upon native commodities destined for foreign market in addition to export duty. Goods for foreign market are more heavily taxed than for home consumption. Take the Chekiang silk for instance. Silk for export is more heavily taxed than that for home use. Different rates of taxation are imposed upon tea for foreign and home market. Other kinds of native products for export are also heavily taxed with the result that, within the last two decades, the annual exports of this country are exceeded by imports by over Tls. 640,000,000,000. From the 32nd year of the reign of Kuang Hsu to the 4th year of the Republic, imports exceed exports on the average by Tls. 120,000,000. These figures speak for themselves.
"Likin stations have been established at places where railway communication is available. This has done a good deal of harm to transportation and the railway traffic. Lately a proposal has been made in certain quarters that likin stations along the railways be abolished; and the measure has been adopted by the Peking-Tientsin and Tientsin-Pukow Railways at certain places. When the towns and cities throughout the country are connected by railways, there will be no place for likin stations. With the increase in the number of treaty ports, the "likin zone" will be gradually diminished. Thencefrom the proceeds from likin will be decreased year by year.
"Owing to the collection of likin the development of both home and foreign trade has been arrested and the people are working under great disadvantages. Hence in order to develop foreign and home trade, the Government must do away with likin, which will bring back business prosperity, and in time the same will enable the Government to obtain new sources of revenues.
"From the above-mentioned considerations, the Government can hardly develop and encourage trade without the abolition of likin. By treaty with Great Britain, America and Japan, the Government can increase the rate of Customs tariff to cover losses due to the abolition of likin. The question under consideration is not a new one. But the cause which has prevented the Government from reaching a prompt decision upon this question is the fear that, after the abolition of likin, the proceeds from the increased Customs tariff would not be sufficient to cover the shortage caused by the abolition of likin.
But such a fear should disappear when the Authorities remember the following facts:--
(a) The loss as the result of the abolition of likin: $38,900,000.
(b) The loss as the result of the abolition of a part of duty collected by the native Customs houses: $7,300,000.
(c) Annual proceeds from different kinds of principal and miscellaneous taxes which shall be done away with the abolition of likin $11,800,000.
The above figures are determined by comparing the actual amount of proceeds collected by the Government in the 3rd and 4th years of the Republic with the estimated amount in the Budget of the fifth year. The total amount of loss caused by the abolition of likin will be $58,000,000.
The amount of increase in the Customs tariff which the Government expects to collect is as follows:--
(a) The increase in import duties $29,000,000.
(b) The increase in export duties Tls. 6,560,000.
The above figures are determined according to the Customs returns of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of the Republic. By deducting Tls. 2,200,000 of transit duty, the net increase will be Tls. 33,600,000 taels, which is equal to $48,500,000. For the sake of prudence, allowance of five per cent, of the total amount is made against any incidental shortage. The net revenue thus increased would amount to $46,100,000. Against the loss of $58,000,000, there will be a shortage of some $11,900,000. This, however, will not be difficult to make good by new sources of revenue as the result of a tariff revision:--
(a) Tax on goods at the time of manufacture $800,000.
(b) Tax on goods at the time of sale $8,000,000.
(c) Tax on cattle and slaughtering houses $2,000,000.
(d) Tax on foodstuffs $4,000,000.
"Under (a) and (b) are the taxes to be collected on native made foreign imitation goods and various kinds of luxurious articles. Under (c) and (d) are taxes which are already enforced in the provinces but which can be increased to that much by reorganizing the method of collection. The total sum of the proceeds set forth under above items will amount to $14,800,000. These will be quite sufficient to cover the loss caused by the abolition of likin.
"As the abolition of likin concerns the vital interest of the merchants and manufacturers, it should be carried out without delay. The commercial and industrial enterprises of the country can only thrive after likin is abolished and only then can new sources of revenue be obtained. This measure will form the fundamental factor of our industrial and economical development. But one thing to which we should like to call the special attention of the Government is the procedure to be adopted to negotiate with the Foreign countries respecting the adoption of this measure. The first step in this connexion should be the increase of the present Customs tariff to the actual five per cent, ad valorem rate. When this is done, proposal should be made to the Powers having treaty relations with us concerning the abolition of likin and revision of Customs tariff. The transit destination duties on imported goods should at the same time be done away with. This would not entail any disadvantage to the importers of foreign goods and any diplomatic question would not be difficult of solution. Meantime preparatory measures should be devised for reorganizing the method of collecting duties set forth above so that the abolition of likin can take place as soon as the Government obtains the consent of the foreign Powers respecting the increase of Customs tariff."
(Author's note. The following memorandum was drawn up by Dr. C. C. Wu, Councillor at the Chinese Foreign Office and son of Dr. Wu Ting-fang, the Foreign Minister, and is a most competent and precise statement. It is a noteworthy fact that not only is Dr. C. C. Wu a British barrister but he distinguished himself above all his fellows in the year he was called to the Bar. It is also noteworthy that the Lao Hsi-kai case does not figure in this summary, China taking the view that French action throughout was ultra vires, and beyond discussion.)
Republican China inherited from imperial China the vast and rich territory of China Proper and its Dependencies, but the inheritance was by no means free from incumbrances as in the case of Outer Mongolia, Tibet and Manchuria, and other impediments in the form of unfavourable treaty obligations and a long list of outstanding foreign cases affecting sovereign and territorial rights.
I have been asked by the Editor of the North-China Daily News to contribute an article on some of the outstanding questions between China and foreign powers, instancing Tibet, Manchuria, Mongolia, and to give the Chinese point of view on these questions. Although the subject is a delicate one to handle, particularly in the press, being as it is one in which international susceptibilities are apt to be aroused, I have yet accepted the invitation in the belief that a calm and temperate statement of the Chinese case will hurt no one whose case will bear public discussion but will perhaps do some good by bringing about a clear understanding of the points at issue between China and the foreign Powers concerned, and thus facilitating an early settlement which is so earnestly desired by China. I may say that I have appreciated the British sense of justice and fairplay displayed by the "North- China Daily News" in inviting a statement of the Chinese case in its own columns on questions one of which concerns British interests in no small degree, and the discussion cannot be conducted under a better spirit than that expressed in the motto of the senior British journal in the Far East: "Impartial not Neutral."
The treaty between China and Japan of 1915 respecting South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia giving that power special rights and privileges in those regions has given rise to many knotty problems for the diplomatists of the two countries to solve. Two of such problems are mentioned here.
Since the last days of the Tsings, the Japanese have been establishing police boxes in different parts of South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia always under protest of the local and Peking authorities. Since the treaty of 1915, a new reason has become available in the right of mixed residence given to Japanese in these regions. It is said that for the protection and control of their subjects, and indeed for the interest of the Chinese themselves, it is best that this measure should be taken. It is further contended that the stationing of police officers is but a corollary to the right of exterritoriality, and that it is in no way a derogation of Chinese sovereignty.
It is pointed out by the Chinese Government that in the treaty of 1915, express provision is made for Japanese in South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia to submit to the police laws and ordinances and taxation of China (Article 5). This leaves the matter in no doubt. If the Japanese wish to facilitate the Chinese police in their duty of protection and control of the Japanese, they have many means at their command for so doing. It is unnecessary to point out that the establishment of foreign police on Chinese soil (except in foreign settlements and concessions where it is by the permission of the Chinese Government) is, to our thinking, at any rate, a very grave derogation to China's sovereign rights. Furthermore, from actual experience, we know that the activities of these foreign police will not be confined to their countrymen; in a dispute between a Chinese and a Japanese both will be taken to the Japanese station by the Japanese policeman. This existence of an imperium in imperio, so far from accomplishing its avowed object of "improving the relations of the countries and bringing about the development of economic interests to no small degree," will, it is feared, be the cause of continual friction between the officials and people of the two countries.
As to the legal contention that the right of police control is a natural corollary to the right of exterritoriality, it must be said that ever since the grant of consular jurisdiction to foreigners by China in her first treaties, this is the first time that such a claim has been seriously put forward. We can only say that if this interpretation of exterritoriality is correct the other nations enjoying exteriorality in China have been very neglectful in the assertion of their just rights.
In the Chengchiatun case, the claim of establishing police boxes wherever the Japanese think necessary was made one of the demands. The Chinese Government in its final reply which settled the case took the stand as above outlined.
It may be mentioned in passing that in Amoy the Japanese have also endeavoured to establish similar police rights. The people of that city and province, and indeed of the whole country, as evidenced by the protests received from all over China, have been very much exercised over the matter. It is sincerely hoped that with the undoubted improvement of relations between the two countries within the last several months, the matter will be smoothly and equitably settled.
The region which goes by the name of Chientao, a Japanese denomination, comprises several districts in the Yenchi Circuit of Kirin Province north of the Tumen Kiang (or the Tiumen River) which here forms the boundary between China and Korea. For over thirty years Koreans have been allowed here to cultivate the waste lands and acquire ownership therein, a privilege which has not been permitted to any other foreigners in China and which has been granted to these Koreans on account of the peculiar local conditions. According to reliable sources, the Korean population now amounts to over 200,000 which is more than the Chinese population itself. In 1909 an Agreement, known as the Tumen Kiang Boundary Agreement, was arrived at between China and Japan, who was then the acknowledged suzerain of Korea, dealing, inter alia, with the status of these Koreans. It was provided that while Koreans were to continue to enjoy protection of their landed property, they were to be subject to Chinese laws and to the jurisdiction of Chinese courts. The subsequent annexation of Korea did not affect this agreement in point of international law, and as a matter of practice Japan has adhered to it until September, 1915. Then the Japanese Consul suddenly interfered in the administration of justice by the local authorities over the Koreans and claimed that he should have jurisdiction.
The Japanese claim is based on the Treaty Respecting South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia signed in May, 1915, article 5 of which provides that civil and criminal cases in which the defendants are Japanese shall be tried and adjudicated by the Japanese consul.
The Chinese view is that this article is inapplicable to Koreans in this region and that the Tumen Kiang Agreement continues in force. This view is based on a saving clause in article 8 of the Treaty of 1915 which says that "all existing treaties between China and Japan relating to Manchuria shall, except where otherwise provided for by treaty, remain in force."
In the first place, the origin of the Tumen Kiang Agreement supports this view. When the Japanese assumed suzerainty over Korea they raised certain questions as to the boundary between China and Korea. There were also outstanding several questions regarding railways and mines between China and Japan. Japan insisted that the boundary question and the railway and mining questions be settled at the same time. As a result, two agreements were concluded in 1909 one respecting the boundary question, the Tumen Kiang Agreement, and the other respecting railways and mines whereby Japan obtained many new and valuable privileges and concessions, such as the extension of the Kirin-Changchun Railway to the Korean frontier, the option on the Hsinminfu-Fakumen line, and the working of the Fushun and Yentai mines, while in return China obtained a bare recognition of existing rights, namely the boundary between China and Korea and the jurisdiction over the Koreans in the Yenchi region. The two settlements were in the nature of quid pro quo though it is clear that the Japanese side of the scale heavily outweighed that of the Chinese. Now Japan endeavours to repudiate, for no apparent reason so far as we can see, the agreement which formed the consideration whereby she obtained so many valuable concessions.
Secondly, while Koreans are now Japanese subjects, it is contended by the Chinese that the particular Koreans inhabiting the Yenchi region are, as regards China, in a different position from Japanese subjects elsewhere. These Koreans enjoy the rights of free residence and of cultivating and owning land in the interior of China, rights denied to other foreigners, including Japanese who, even by the new treaty, may only lease land in South Manchuria. For this exceptional privilege, they are subject to the jurisdiction of Chinese laws and Chinese courts, a duty not imposed on other foreigners. It would be "blowing hot and cold at the same time" in the language of English lawyers if it is sought to enjoy the special privileges without performing the duties.
Thirdly, Japanese under the Treaty of 1915 are required to register their passports with the local authorities. On the other hand, Koreans in Yenchi have never been nor are they now required to procure passports. This would seem to be conclusive proof that Koreans in that region are not within the provisions of the treaty of 1915 but are still governed by the Tumen Kiang Agreement.
The question is something more than one of academic or even merely judicial importance. As has been stated, the Koreans in Yenchi outnumber the Chinese and the only thing that has kept the region Chinese territory in fact as well as in name is the possession by the Chinese of jurisdiction over every inhabitant, whether Chinese or Korean. Were China to surrender that jurisdiction over a majority of those inhabitants, it would be tantamount to a cession of territory.
The dispute between China and Portugal over the Macao question has been one of long standing. The first treaty of commerce signed between them on August 13,1862, at Tientsin, was not ratified in consequence of a dispute respecting the Sovereignty of Macao. By a Protocol signed at Lisbon on March 26, 1887, China formally recognized the perpetual occupation and government of Macao and its dependencies by Portugal, as any other Portuguese possession; and in December of the same year, when the formal treaty was signed, provision was made for the appointment of a Commission to delimit the boundaries of Macao; "but as long as the delimitation of the boundaries is not concluded, everything in respect to them shall continue as at present without addition, diminution, or alteration by either of the Parties."
In the beginning of 1908, a Japanese steamer, the Tatsu Maru, engaged in gun-running was captured by a Chinese customs cruiser near the Kau-chau archipelago (Nove Ilhas). The Portuguese authorities demanded her release on the ground that she was seized in Portuguese territorial waters thus raising the question of the status of the waters surrounding Macao.
In the same year the Portuguese authorities of Macao attempted the imposition of land tax in Maliaoho, and proposed to dredge the waterways in the vicinity of Macao. The Chinese Government thereupon instructed its Minister in France, who was also accredited to Portugal, to make personal representations to the Portuguese Foreign Office in regard to the unwarrantable action of the local Portuguese authorities. The Portuguese Government requested the withdrawal of Chinese troops on the Island of Lappa as a quid pro quo for the appointment of a new Demarcation Commissioner, reserving to itself the right to refer to the Hague Tribunal any dispute that may arise between the Commissioners appointed by the respective Governments.
After protracted negotiations it was agreed between the Chinese Minister and the Portuguese Government by an exchange of notes that the respective Governments should each appoint a Demarcation Commissioner to delimit the boundaries of Macao and its dependencies in pursuance of the Lisbon Protocol and Article 2 of the Sino-Portuguese Treaty of 1887, subject to the decision of their respective Governments.
In February, 1909, Portugal appointed General Jaoquim Machado and China Mr. Kao Erh-chien as their respective Commissioners and they met at Hongkong in June of the same year.
The Portuguese claim consisted of the whole of the Peninsula of Macao as far north as Portas do Cerco, the Island of Lappa, Green Island (Ilha Yerde), Ilhas de Taipa, Ilha de Coloane, Ilha Macarira, Ilha da Tai-Vong-Cam, other small islands, and the waters of Porto Interior. The Portuguese Commissioner also demanded that the portion of Chinese territory between Portas do Cerco and Peishanling be neutralized.
In the absence of evidence, documentary or otherwise, China could not admit Portugal's title to half the territory claimed, but was prepared to concede all that part of the Peninsula of Macao south of Portas do Cerco which was already beyond the limits of the original Portuguese Possession of Macao, and also to grant the developed parts of Ilhas de Coloane as Portuguese settlements. The ownership of territorial waters was to remain vested in China.
The negotiations having proved fruitless were transferred to Lisbon but on the outbreak of the Revolution in Portugal they were suspended. No material progress has been made since.
In November, 1911, the Chinese garrison in Lhassa, in sympathy with the revolutionary cause in China, mutinied against Amban Lien-yu, a Chinese Bannerman, and a few months later the Tibetans, by order of the Dalai Lama, revolted and besieged the Chinese forces in Lhassa till they were starved out and eventually evacuated Tibet. Chinese troops in Kham were also ejected. An expedition was sent from Szechuan and Yunnan to Tibet, but Great Britain protested and caused its withdrawal.
In August, 1912, the British Minister in Peking presented a Memorandum to the Chinese Government outlining the attitude of Great Britain towards the Tibetan question. China was asked to refrain from dispatching a military expedition into Tibet, as the re-establishment of Chinese authority would, it is stated, constitute a violation of the Anglo-Chinese Treaty of 1906. Chinese suzerainty in regard to Tibet was recognized. But Great Britain could not consent to the assertion of Chinese sovereignty over a State enjoying independent treaty relations with her. In conclusion, China was invited to come to an agreement regarding Tibet on the lines indicated in the Memorandum, such agreement to be antecedent to Great Britain's recognition of the Republic. Great Britain also imposed an embargo on the communications between China and Tibet via India.
In deference to the wishes of the British Government, China at once issued orders that the expeditionary force should not proceed beyond Giamda. In her reply she declared that the Chinese Government had no intention of converting Tibet into another province of China and that the preservation of the traditional system of Tibetan government was as much the desire of China as of Great Britain. The dispatch of troops into Tibet was, however, necessary for the fulfilment of the responsibilities attaching to China's treaty obligations with Great Britain, which required her to preserve peace and order throughout that vast territory, but she did not contemplate the idea of stationing an unlimited number of soldiers in Tibet. China considered that the existing treaties defined the status of Tibet with sufficient clearness, and therefore there was no need to negotiate a new treaty. She expressed the regret that the Indian Government had placed an embargo on the communications between China and Tibet via India, as China was at peace with Great Britain and regretted that Great Britain should threaten to withhold recognition of the Republic, such recognition being of mutual advantage to both countries. Finally, the Chinese Government hoped that the British Government would reconsider its attitude.
In May, 1913, the British Minister renewed his suggestion of the previous year that China should come to an agreement on the Tibetan question, and ultimately a Tripartite Conference was opened on October 13, at Simla with Mr. Ivan Chen, Sir Henry McMahon, and Lonchen Shatra as plemipotentiaries representing China, Great Britain, and Tibet, respectively.
The following is the substance of the Tibetan proposals:--
1. Tibet shall be an independent State, repudiating the Anglo- Chinese Convention of 1906.
2. The boundary of Tibet in regard to China includes that portion of Sinkiang south of Kuenlun Range and Altyn Tagh, the whole territory of Chinghai, the western portion of Kansuh and Szechuan, including Tachienlu, and the northwestern portion of Yunnan, including Atuntzu.
3. Great Britain and Tibet to negotiate, independent of China, new trade regulations.
4. No Chinese officials and troops to be stationed in Tibet.
5. China to recognize Dalai Lama as the head of the Buddhist Religion and institutions in Mongolia and China.
6. China to compensate Tibet for forcible exactions of money or property taken from the Tibetan Government.
The Chinese Plenipotentiary made the following counter-proposals:--
1. Tibet forms an integral part of Chinese territory and Chinese rights of every description which have existed in consequence of this integrity shall be respected by Tibet and recognized by Great Britan. China engages not to convert Tibet into a province and Great Britain not to annex Tibet or any portion of it.
2. China to appoint a Resident at Lhassa with an escort of 3,600 soldiers.
3. Tibet undertakes to be guided by China in her foreign and military affairs and not to enter into negotiations with any foreign Power except through the intermediary of China but this engagement does not exclude direct relations between British Trade Agents and Tibetan authorities as provided in the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1906.
4. Tibet to grant amnesty to those Tibetans known for their pro- Chinese inclinations and to restore to them their property.
5. Clause 5 of Tibetan claims can be discussed.
6. Revision of Trade Regulations of 1893 and 1908, if found necessary, must be made by all the parties concerned.
7. In regard to the limits of Tibet China claims Giamda and all the places east of it.
The British plenipotentiary sustained in the main the Tibetan view concerning the limits of Tibet. He suggested the creation of Inner and Outer Tibet by a line drawn along the Kuenlun Range to the 9eth longitude, turning south reaching a point south of the 34th latitude, then in south-easterly direction to Niarong, passing Hokow, Litang, Batang in a western and then southern and southwestern direction to Rima, thus involving the inclusion of Chiamdo in Outer Tibet and the withdrawal of the Chinese garrison stationed there. He proposed that recognition should be accorded to the autonomy of Outer Tibet whilst admitting the right of the Chinese to re-establish such a measure of control in Inner Tibet as would restore and safeguard their historic position there, without in any way infringing the integrity of Tibet as a geographical and political entity. Sir Henry McMahon also submitted to the Conference a draft proposal of the Convention to the plenipotentiaries. After some modification this draft was initialled by the British and Tibetan delegates but the Chinese delegate did not consider himself authorized to do so. Thereupon the British member after making slight concessions in regard to representation in the Chinese Parliament and the boundary in the neighbourhood of Lake Kokonor threatened, in the event of his persisting in his refusal, to eliminate the clause recognizing the suzerainty of China, and ipso facto the privileges appertaining thereto from the draft Convention already initialled by the British and Tibetan plenipotentiaries. In order to save the situation, the Chinese delegate initialled the documents, but on the clear understanding that to initial and to sign were two different things and that to sign he must obtain instructions from his Government.
China, dissatisfied with the suggested division into an Inner and Outer Tibet the boundaries of which would involve the evacuation of those districts actually in Chinese effective occupation and under its administration, though otherwise in accord with the general principles of the draft Convention, declared that the initialled draft was in no way binding upon her and took up the matter with the British Government in London and with its representative in Peking. Protracted negotiations took place thereafter, but, in spite of repeated concessions from the Chinese side in regard to the Chinese side in regard to the boundary question, the British Government would not negotiate on any basis other than the initialled convention. On July 3 an Agreement based on the terms of the draft Convention but providing special safeguards for the interests of Great Britain and Tibet in the event of China continuing to withhold her adherence, was signed between Great Britain and Tibet, not, however, before Mr. Ivan Chen had declared that the Chinese Government would recognize any treaty or similar document that might then or thereafter be signed between Great Britain and Tibet.
With the same spirit of compromise and a readiness to meet the wishes of the British Government and even to the extent of making considerable sacrifices in so far as they were compatible with her dignity, China has more than once offered to renew negotiations with the British Government but the latter has up to the present declined to do so. China wants nothing more than the re- establishment of Chinese suzerainty over Tibet, with recognition of the autonomy of the territory immediately under the control of the Lhassa Government; she is agreeable to the British idea of forming an effective buffer territory in so far as it is consistent with equity and justice; she is anxious that her trade interest should be looked after by her trade agents as do the British, a point which is agreeable even to the Tibetans though apparently not to the British; in other words, she expects that Great Britain would at least make with her an arrangement regarding Tibet which should not be any less disadvantageous to her than that made with Russia respecting Outer Mongolia.
Considering that China has claimed and exercised sovereign rights over Tibet, commanded the Tibetan army, supervised Tibetan internal administration, and confirmed the appointments of Tibetan officials, high and low, secular and even ecclesiastical, such expectations are modest enough, surely. At the present moment, with communication via India closed, with no official representative or agent present, with relations unsettled and unregulated, the position of China vis-a-vis Tibet is far from satisfactory and altogether anomalous, while as between China and Great Britain there is always this important question outstanding. An early settlement in a reciprocal spirit of give and take and giving reasonable satisfaction to the legitimate aspirations and claims of all parties is extremely desirable.
The world is more or less acquainted with the events in Urga in December, 1911, and the proclamation of independence of Outer Mongolia with Jetsun Dampa Hutukhtu as its ruler. By the Russo- Chinese Declaration of November 5, 1913, and the Tripartite Convention of Kiakhta of 1914 China has re-established her suzerainty over Outer Mongolia and obtained the acknowledgement that it forms a part of the Chinese territory. There remains the demarcation of boundary between Inner and Outer Mongolia which will take place shortly, and the outstanding question of the status of Tannu Uriankhai where Russia is lately reported to be subjecting the inhabitants to Russian jurisdiction and expelling Chinese traders.
The Tannu Uriankhai lands, according to the Imperial Institutes of the Tsing Dynasty, were under the control of the Tartar General of Uliasutai, the Sain Noin Aimak, the Jasaktu Khan Aimak and the Jetsun Dampa Hutkhta, and divided into forty-eight somons (tsoling). Geographically, according to the same authority, Tannu Uriankhai is bounded on the north by Russia, east by Tushetu Khan Aimak, west by the various aimks of Kobdo, and south by Jasaktu Khan Aimak. By a Joint Demarcation Commission in 1868 the Russo Chinese boundary in respect to Uriankhai was denmited and eight wooden boundary posts were erected to mark their respective frontiers.
In 1910, however, a Russian officer removed and burnt the boundary post at Chapuchi Yalodapa. The matter was taken up by the then Waiwupu with the Russian Minister. He replied to the effect that the limits of Uriankhai were an unsettled question and the Russian Government would not entertain the Chinese idea of taking independent steps to remark the boundary or to replace the post and expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the Joint Demarcation Commission of 1868, a dissatisfaction which would seem to be somewhat tardily expressed, to say the least. The case was temporarily dropped on account of the secession of Uliasutai from China in the following year.
While Uriankhai forms part of Autonomous Outer Mongolia, yet since Outer Mongolia is under China's suzerainty, and its territory is expressly recognized to form part of that of China, China cannot look on with indifference to any possible cession of territory by Outer Mongolia to Russia. Article 3 of the Kiakhta Agreement, 1915, prohibiting Outer Mongolia from concluding treaties with foreign powers respecting political and territorial question acknowledges China's right to negotiate and make such treaties. It is the firm intention of the Chinese Government to maintain its territorial integrity basing its case on historical records, on treaty rights and finally on the principle of nationality. It is notorious that the Mongols will be extremely unwilling to see Uriankhai incorporated into the Russian Empire. While Russia is spending countless lives and incalculable treasure in fighting for the sacred principle of nationality in Europe, we cannot believe
Reply:This will be in paper only in india . in now state goernment office , particularly in south inida expect perhaps in kerala it would be possible to get anything done without paying a personal visit and bribing the officials . No exception please. Do not dream of getting any thing done particularly while the mother of curruption DMK is in power, in Tamil nadu. Forget all procedures published in papers . people do not come to power for serving you . They have come to do business.And business means money.
What is the procedure to obtain " Land Title" ( or 7/12 document towards the ownership of land) via Internet?
Art. 109. The National Assembly may bring up bills for the amendment of the National Constitution.
Bills of this nature shall not take effect unless approved by two- thirds of the members of each House present.
No bill for the amendment of the Constitution shall be introduced unless signed by one-fourth of the members of each House.
Art. 110. The amendment of the National Constitution shall be discussed and decided by the National Constitutional Conference.
Art. 111. No proposal for a change of the form of Government shall be allowed as a subject for amendment.
Art. 112. Should there be any doubt as to the meaning of the text of the Constitution, it shall be interpreted by the National Constitutional Conference.
Art. 113. The National Constitutional Conference shall be composed of the members of the National Assembly.
Unless there be a quorum of two-thirds of the total number of the members of the National Assembly, no Constitutional Conference shall be held, and unless three-fourths of the members present vote in favour, no amendment shall be passed. But with regard to the interpretation of the Constitution, only two-thirds of the members present is required to decide an issue.
Art. ... The National Constitution shall be the Supreme Law of the land and shall be inviolable under any circumstances unless duly amended in accordance with the procedure specified in this Constitution.
[V] A Chapter on Provincial or local organization is to be inserted under Chapter ... providing for certain powers and rights to be given to local governments with the residual power left in the hands of the central government. The exact text is not yet settled.
Note: The Mark (*) indicated that the article has already been formally adopted as a part of the finished Constitution.
The mark (V) indicates that the article has not yet passed through the second reading.
Those without marks have passed through the second reading on May 28th, 1917. Articles bearing no number are additions to the original draft as presented to the Conference by the Drafting Committee.
The following Regulations on the Local System have been referred to the Parliamentary Committee for consideration:--
Article 1. The Local System shall embrace provinces and hsien districts.
Any change for the existing division of provinces and hsien districts shall be decided by the Senate. As to Mongolia, Tibet, Chinghai and other places where no provinces and hsien districts have been fixed, Parliament shall enforce these regulations there in future.
Art. 2. A province shall have the following duties and rights: (a) To fix local laws. (b) To manage provincial properties, (c) To attend to the affairs in connexion with police organization, sanitation, conservancy, roads, and public works, (d) To develop education and industry in accordance with the order and mandates of the Central Government. (e) To improve its navigation and telegraphic lines, or to undertake such enterprises with the co- operation of other provinces, (f) To organize precautionary troops for the protection of local interests, the method of whose organization, uniforms and arms shall be similar to those of the National Army. With the exception of the matter of declaring war against foreign countries, the President shall have no power to transfer these troops to other provinces: and unless the province is unable to suppress its own internal troubles, it shall not ask the Central Government for the service of the National Army, (g) The province shall defray its own expenses for the administration and the maintenance of precautionary troops; but the provinces which have hitherto received subsidies, shall continue to receive same from the National Treasury with the approval of Parliament. (h) Land, Title Deed, License, Mortgage, Tobacco and Wine, Butchery, Fishery and all other principal and additional taxes shall be considered as local revenues, (i) The province may fix rates for local tax or levy additional tax on the National Taxes. (j) The province shall have a provincial treasury. (k) It may raise provincial public loans. (l) It shall elect a certain number of Senators, (m) It shall fix regulations for the smaller local Self-Governing Bodies.
Art. 3. Besides the above rights and privileges, a province shall bear the following responsibilities:
(a) In case of financial difficulties of the Central Government, it shall share the burden according to the proportion of its revenue, (b) It shall enforce the laws and mandates promulgated by the Central Government, (c) It shall enforce the measures entrusted by the Central Government, but the latter shall bear the expenses. (d) In case the local laws and regulations are in conflict with those of the Central Government the latter may with the approval of Parliament cancel or modify the same. (e) In case of great necessity the provincial telegraph, railway, etc., may be utilized by the Central Government. (f) In case of negligence, or blunder made by the provincial authorities, which injures the interests of the nation, the Central Government, with the approval of Parliament, may reprimand and rectify same, (g) It shall not make laws on the grant of monopoly and of copyrights; neither issue bank notes, manufacture coins, make implements of weights and measures; neither grant the right to local banks to manage the Government Treasury; nor sign contracts with foreigners on the purchase or sale of lands and, mines, or mortgage land tax to them or construct naval harbours or arsenals, (h) All local laws, budgets, and other important matters shall be reported to the President from time to time, (i) The Central Government may transfer to itself the ownership of enterprises or rights which Parliament has decided should become national, (j) In case of a quarrel arising between the Central Government and the province, or between provinces, it shall be decided by Parliament, (k) In case of refusal to obey the orders of the Central Government, the President with the approval of Parliament may change the Shenchang (Governor) or dissolve the Provincial Assembly. (l) The President with the approval of Parliament may suppress by force any province which defies the Central Authorities.
Art. 4. A Shenchang shall be appointed for each province to represent the Central Government in the supervision of the local administration. The appointment shall be made with the approval of the Senate, the term of office for the Shenchang shall be four years, and his annual salary shall be $24,000, which shall be paid out of the National Treasury.
Art. 5. The administration measures entrusted by the Government to the Shenchang shall be enforced by the administrative organs under his supervision, and he shall be responsible for same.
Art. 6. In the enforcement of the laws and mandates of the Central Government, or of the laws and regulations of his province, he may issue orders.
Art. 7. The province shall establish the following five Departments, namely Interior, Police, Finance, Education and Industry. There shall be one Department Chief for each Department, to be appointed by the Shenchang.
Art. 8. A Provincial Council shall be organized to assist the Shenchang to enforce the administrative measures, and it shall be responsible to the Provincial Assembly for same.
This Council shall be composed of all the Departmental Chiefs, and five members elected out of the Provincial Assembly. It shall discuss the Bills on Budget, on administration, and on the organization, of police forces, submitted by the Shenchang.
Art. 9. If one member of the Council be impeached by the Provincial Assembly, the Shenchang shall replace him, but if the whole body of the Council be impeached, the Shenchang shall either dissolve the Assembly or dismiss all his Departmental Chiefs. In one session the Assembly shall not be dissolved twice, and after two months of the dissolution, it shall be convened again.
Art. 10. The organization and election of the Provincial Assembly shall be fixed by law.
Art. 11. The Provincial Assembly shall have the following duties and powers: (a) It may pass such laws as allowed by the Constitution, (b) It may pass the bills on the provincial Budget and Accounts, (c) It may impeach the members of the Provincial Council. (d) It may address interpellations or give suggestions to the Provincial Council. (e) It may elect Members for the Provincial Council. (f) It may attend to the petitions submitted by the public.
Art. 12. A Magistrate shall be appointed for each hsien district to enforce administrative measures. He shall be appointed directly by the Shenchang, and his term of office shall be three years.
Art. 13. The Central Government shall hold examinations in the provinces for candidates for the Magistracy. In a province half of the total number of magistrates shall be natives of the province and the other half of other provinces; but a native shall hold office of Magistrate 300 li away from his home.
Art. 14. The organization for the legislative organ of the hsien district shall be fixed by law.
The following is a translation of a memorandum prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce regarding abolition of likin and an increase of the Customs duties:--
"Disproportionate taxation on commodities at inland towns and cities tends to cripple the productive power of a country. Acting upon this principle, France in the 17th, England, America, Germany and Austria in the 18th Century abolished such kind of taxation, the Customs tariff remaining, which is a levy on imports at the first port of entry. Its purpose is to increase the cost of production of imported goods and to serve as a protection of native products (sic). Raw materials from abroad are, however, exempt from Customs duty in order to provide cheap material for home manufactures. An altogether different state of affairs, however, exists in this country. Likin stations are found throughout the country, while raw materials are taxed. Take the Hangchow silk for instance. When transported to the Capital for sale, it has to pay a tax on raw material of 18 per cent. Foreign imported goods on the other hand, are only taxed at the rate of five per cent, ad valorem Customs duty at the first port of entry with another 2.5 per cent, transit duty at one of the other ports through which the goods pass. Besides these only landing duty is imposed upon imported goods at the port of destination. Upon timber being shipped from Fengtien and Antung to Peking, it has to pay duties at five different places, the total amount of which aggregates 20 per cent, of its market value, while timber from American is taxed only ten per cent. Timber from Jueichow to Hankow and Shanghai is taxed at six different places, the total amount of duty paid aggregating 17.5 per cent., while timber imported from abroad to these ports is required to pay Customs duty only one-third thereof. The above-mentioned rates on native goods are the minimum. Not every merchant can, however, obtain such special "exemption," without a long negotiation and special arrangements with the authorities. Otherwise, a merchant must pay 25 per cent, of the market value of his goods as duty. For this reason the import of timber into this country has greatly increased within the last few years, the total amount of which being valued at $13,000,000 a year. Is this not a great injustice to native merchants?
"Respecting the improvement of the economic condition of the people, a country can hardly attain this object without developing its foreign commerce. The United States of America, Germany and Japan have one by one abolished their export duty as well as made appropriations for subsidies to encourage the export of certain kinds of commodities. We, on the other hand, impose likin all along the line upon native commodities destined for foreign market in addition to export duty. Goods for foreign market are more heavily taxed than for home consumption. Take the Chekiang silk for instance. Silk for export is more heavily taxed than that for home use. Different rates of taxation are imposed upon tea for foreign and home market. Other kinds of native products for export are also heavily taxed with the result that, within the last two decades, the annual exports of this country are exceeded by imports by over Tls. 640,000,000,000. From the 32nd year of the reign of Kuang Hsu to the 4th year of the Republic, imports exceed exports on the average by Tls. 120,000,000. These figures speak for themselves.
"Likin stations have been established at places where railway communication is available. This has done a good deal of harm to transportation and the railway traffic. Lately a proposal has been made in certain quarters that likin stations along the railways be abolished; and the measure has been adopted by the Peking-Tientsin and Tientsin-Pukow Railways at certain places. When the towns and cities throughout the country are connected by railways, there will be no place for likin stations. With the increase in the number of treaty ports, the "likin zone" will be gradually diminished. Thencefrom the proceeds from likin will be decreased year by year.
"Owing to the collection of likin the development of both home and foreign trade has been arrested and the people are working under great disadvantages. Hence in order to develop foreign and home trade, the Government must do away with likin, which will bring back business prosperity, and in time the same will enable the Government to obtain new sources of revenues.
"From the above-mentioned considerations, the Government can hardly develop and encourage trade without the abolition of likin. By treaty with Great Britain, America and Japan, the Government can increase the rate of Customs tariff to cover losses due to the abolition of likin. The question under consideration is not a new one. But the cause which has prevented the Government from reaching a prompt decision upon this question is the fear that, after the abolition of likin, the proceeds from the increased Customs tariff would not be sufficient to cover the shortage caused by the abolition of likin.
But such a fear should disappear when the Authorities remember the following facts:--
(a) The loss as the result of the abolition of likin: $38,900,000.
(b) The loss as the result of the abolition of a part of duty collected by the native Customs houses: $7,300,000.
(c) Annual proceeds from different kinds of principal and miscellaneous taxes which shall be done away with the abolition of likin $11,800,000.
The above figures are determined by comparing the actual amount of proceeds collected by the Government in the 3rd and 4th years of the Republic with the estimated amount in the Budget of the fifth year. The total amount of loss caused by the abolition of likin will be $58,000,000.
The amount of increase in the Customs tariff which the Government expects to collect is as follows:--
(a) The increase in import duties $29,000,000.
(b) The increase in export duties Tls. 6,560,000.
The above figures are determined according to the Customs returns of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of the Republic. By deducting Tls. 2,200,000 of transit duty, the net increase will be Tls. 33,600,000 taels, which is equal to $48,500,000. For the sake of prudence, allowance of five per cent, of the total amount is made against any incidental shortage. The net revenue thus increased would amount to $46,100,000. Against the loss of $58,000,000, there will be a shortage of some $11,900,000. This, however, will not be difficult to make good by new sources of revenue as the result of a tariff revision:--
(a) Tax on goods at the time of manufacture $800,000.
(b) Tax on goods at the time of sale $8,000,000.
(c) Tax on cattle and slaughtering houses $2,000,000.
(d) Tax on foodstuffs $4,000,000.
"Under (a) and (b) are the taxes to be collected on native made foreign imitation goods and various kinds of luxurious articles. Under (c) and (d) are taxes which are already enforced in the provinces but which can be increased to that much by reorganizing the method of collection. The total sum of the proceeds set forth under above items will amount to $14,800,000. These will be quite sufficient to cover the loss caused by the abolition of likin.
"As the abolition of likin concerns the vital interest of the merchants and manufacturers, it should be carried out without delay. The commercial and industrial enterprises of the country can only thrive after likin is abolished and only then can new sources of revenue be obtained. This measure will form the fundamental factor of our industrial and economical development. But one thing to which we should like to call the special attention of the Government is the procedure to be adopted to negotiate with the Foreign countries respecting the adoption of this measure. The first step in this connexion should be the increase of the present Customs tariff to the actual five per cent, ad valorem rate. When this is done, proposal should be made to the Powers having treaty relations with us concerning the abolition of likin and revision of Customs tariff. The transit destination duties on imported goods should at the same time be done away with. This would not entail any disadvantage to the importers of foreign goods and any diplomatic question would not be difficult of solution. Meantime preparatory measures should be devised for reorganizing the method of collecting duties set forth above so that the abolition of likin can take place as soon as the Government obtains the consent of the foreign Powers respecting the increase of Customs tariff."
(Author's note. The following memorandum was drawn up by Dr. C. C. Wu, Councillor at the Chinese Foreign Office and son of Dr. Wu Ting-fang, the Foreign Minister, and is a most competent and precise statement. It is a noteworthy fact that not only is Dr. C. C. Wu a British barrister but he distinguished himself above all his fellows in the year he was called to the Bar. It is also noteworthy that the Lao Hsi-kai case does not figure in this summary, China taking the view that French action throughout was ultra vires, and beyond discussion.)
Republican China inherited from imperial China the vast and rich territory of China Proper and its Dependencies, but the inheritance was by no means free from incumbrances as in the case of Outer Mongolia, Tibet and Manchuria, and other impediments in the form of unfavourable treaty obligations and a long list of outstanding foreign cases affecting sovereign and territorial rights.
I have been asked by the Editor of the North-China Daily News to contribute an article on some of the outstanding questions between China and foreign powers, instancing Tibet, Manchuria, Mongolia, and to give the Chinese point of view on these questions. Although the subject is a delicate one to handle, particularly in the press, being as it is one in which international susceptibilities are apt to be aroused, I have yet accepted the invitation in the belief that a calm and temperate statement of the Chinese case will hurt no one whose case will bear public discussion but will perhaps do some good by bringing about a clear understanding of the points at issue between China and the foreign Powers concerned, and thus facilitating an early settlement which is so earnestly desired by China. I may say that I have appreciated the British sense of justice and fairplay displayed by the "North- China Daily News" in inviting a statement of the Chinese case in its own columns on questions one of which concerns British interests in no small degree, and the discussion cannot be conducted under a better spirit than that expressed in the motto of the senior British journal in the Far East: "Impartial not Neutral."
The treaty between China and Japan of 1915 respecting South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia giving that power special rights and privileges in those regions has given rise to many knotty problems for the diplomatists of the two countries to solve. Two of such problems are mentioned here.
Since the last days of the Tsings, the Japanese have been establishing police boxes in different parts of South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia always under protest of the local and Peking authorities. Since the treaty of 1915, a new reason has become available in the right of mixed residence given to Japanese in these regions. It is said that for the protection and control of their subjects, and indeed for the interest of the Chinese themselves, it is best that this measure should be taken. It is further contended that the stationing of police officers is but a corollary to the right of exterritoriality, and that it is in no way a derogation of Chinese sovereignty.
It is pointed out by the Chinese Government that in the treaty of 1915, express provision is made for Japanese in South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia to submit to the police laws and ordinances and taxation of China (Article 5). This leaves the matter in no doubt. If the Japanese wish to facilitate the Chinese police in their duty of protection and control of the Japanese, they have many means at their command for so doing. It is unnecessary to point out that the establishment of foreign police on Chinese soil (except in foreign settlements and concessions where it is by the permission of the Chinese Government) is, to our thinking, at any rate, a very grave derogation to China's sovereign rights. Furthermore, from actual experience, we know that the activities of these foreign police will not be confined to their countrymen; in a dispute between a Chinese and a Japanese both will be taken to the Japanese station by the Japanese policeman. This existence of an imperium in imperio, so far from accomplishing its avowed object of "improving the relations of the countries and bringing about the development of economic interests to no small degree," will, it is feared, be the cause of continual friction between the officials and people of the two countries.
As to the legal contention that the right of police control is a natural corollary to the right of exterritoriality, it must be said that ever since the grant of consular jurisdiction to foreigners by China in her first treaties, this is the first time that such a claim has been seriously put forward. We can only say that if this interpretation of exterritoriality is correct the other nations enjoying exteriorality in China have been very neglectful in the assertion of their just rights.
In the Chengchiatun case, the claim of establishing police boxes wherever the Japanese think necessary was made one of the demands. The Chinese Government in its final reply which settled the case took the stand as above outlined.
It may be mentioned in passing that in Amoy the Japanese have also endeavoured to establish similar police rights. The people of that city and province, and indeed of the whole country, as evidenced by the protests received from all over China, have been very much exercised over the matter. It is sincerely hoped that with the undoubted improvement of relations between the two countries within the last several months, the matter will be smoothly and equitably settled.
The region which goes by the name of Chientao, a Japanese denomination, comprises several districts in the Yenchi Circuit of Kirin Province north of the Tumen Kiang (or the Tiumen River) which here forms the boundary between China and Korea. For over thirty years Koreans have been allowed here to cultivate the waste lands and acquire ownership therein, a privilege which has not been permitted to any other foreigners in China and which has been granted to these Koreans on account of the peculiar local conditions. According to reliable sources, the Korean population now amounts to over 200,000 which is more than the Chinese population itself. In 1909 an Agreement, known as the Tumen Kiang Boundary Agreement, was arrived at between China and Japan, who was then the acknowledged suzerain of Korea, dealing, inter alia, with the status of these Koreans. It was provided that while Koreans were to continue to enjoy protection of their landed property, they were to be subject to Chinese laws and to the jurisdiction of Chinese courts. The subsequent annexation of Korea did not affect this agreement in point of international law, and as a matter of practice Japan has adhered to it until September, 1915. Then the Japanese Consul suddenly interfered in the administration of justice by the local authorities over the Koreans and claimed that he should have jurisdiction.
The Japanese claim is based on the Treaty Respecting South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia signed in May, 1915, article 5 of which provides that civil and criminal cases in which the defendants are Japanese shall be tried and adjudicated by the Japanese consul.
The Chinese view is that this article is inapplicable to Koreans in this region and that the Tumen Kiang Agreement continues in force. This view is based on a saving clause in article 8 of the Treaty of 1915 which says that "all existing treaties between China and Japan relating to Manchuria shall, except where otherwise provided for by treaty, remain in force."
In the first place, the origin of the Tumen Kiang Agreement supports this view. When the Japanese assumed suzerainty over Korea they raised certain questions as to the boundary between China and Korea. There were also outstanding several questions regarding railways and mines between China and Japan. Japan insisted that the boundary question and the railway and mining questions be settled at the same time. As a result, two agreements were concluded in 1909 one respecting the boundary question, the Tumen Kiang Agreement, and the other respecting railways and mines whereby Japan obtained many new and valuable privileges and concessions, such as the extension of the Kirin-Changchun Railway to the Korean frontier, the option on the Hsinminfu-Fakumen line, and the working of the Fushun and Yentai mines, while in return China obtained a bare recognition of existing rights, namely the boundary between China and Korea and the jurisdiction over the Koreans in the Yenchi region. The two settlements were in the nature of quid pro quo though it is clear that the Japanese side of the scale heavily outweighed that of the Chinese. Now Japan endeavours to repudiate, for no apparent reason so far as we can see, the agreement which formed the consideration whereby she obtained so many valuable concessions.
Secondly, while Koreans are now Japanese subjects, it is contended by the Chinese that the particular Koreans inhabiting the Yenchi region are, as regards China, in a different position from Japanese subjects elsewhere. These Koreans enjoy the rights of free residence and of cultivating and owning land in the interior of China, rights denied to other foreigners, including Japanese who, even by the new treaty, may only lease land in South Manchuria. For this exceptional privilege, they are subject to the jurisdiction of Chinese laws and Chinese courts, a duty not imposed on other foreigners. It would be "blowing hot and cold at the same time" in the language of English lawyers if it is sought to enjoy the special privileges without performing the duties.
Thirdly, Japanese under the Treaty of 1915 are required to register their passports with the local authorities. On the other hand, Koreans in Yenchi have never been nor are they now required to procure passports. This would seem to be conclusive proof that Koreans in that region are not within the provisions of the treaty of 1915 but are still governed by the Tumen Kiang Agreement.
The question is something more than one of academic or even merely judicial importance. As has been stated, the Koreans in Yenchi outnumber the Chinese and the only thing that has kept the region Chinese territory in fact as well as in name is the possession by the Chinese of jurisdiction over every inhabitant, whether Chinese or Korean. Were China to surrender that jurisdiction over a majority of those inhabitants, it would be tantamount to a cession of territory.
The dispute between China and Portugal over the Macao question has been one of long standing. The first treaty of commerce signed between them on August 13,1862, at Tientsin, was not ratified in consequence of a dispute respecting the Sovereignty of Macao. By a Protocol signed at Lisbon on March 26, 1887, China formally recognized the perpetual occupation and government of Macao and its dependencies by Portugal, as any other Portuguese possession; and in December of the same year, when the formal treaty was signed, provision was made for the appointment of a Commission to delimit the boundaries of Macao; "but as long as the delimitation of the boundaries is not concluded, everything in respect to them shall continue as at present without addition, diminution, or alteration by either of the Parties."
In the beginning of 1908, a Japanese steamer, the Tatsu Maru, engaged in gun-running was captured by a Chinese customs cruiser near the Kau-chau archipelago (Nove Ilhas). The Portuguese authorities demanded her release on the ground that she was seized in Portuguese territorial waters thus raising the question of the status of the waters surrounding Macao.
In the same year the Portuguese authorities of Macao attempted the imposition of land tax in Maliaoho, and proposed to dredge the waterways in the vicinity of Macao. The Chinese Government thereupon instructed its Minister in France, who was also accredited to Portugal, to make personal representations to the Portuguese Foreign Office in regard to the unwarrantable action of the local Portuguese authorities. The Portuguese Government requested the withdrawal of Chinese troops on the Island of Lappa as a quid pro quo for the appointment of a new Demarcation Commissioner, reserving to itself the right to refer to the Hague Tribunal any dispute that may arise between the Commissioners appointed by the respective Governments.
After protracted negotiations it was agreed between the Chinese Minister and the Portuguese Government by an exchange of notes that the respective Governments should each appoint a Demarcation Commissioner to delimit the boundaries of Macao and its dependencies in pursuance of the Lisbon Protocol and Article 2 of the Sino-Portuguese Treaty of 1887, subject to the decision of their respective Governments.
In February, 1909, Portugal appointed General Jaoquim Machado and China Mr. Kao Erh-chien as their respective Commissioners and they met at Hongkong in June of the same year.
The Portuguese claim consisted of the whole of the Peninsula of Macao as far north as Portas do Cerco, the Island of Lappa, Green Island (Ilha Yerde), Ilhas de Taipa, Ilha de Coloane, Ilha Macarira, Ilha da Tai-Vong-Cam, other small islands, and the waters of Porto Interior. The Portuguese Commissioner also demanded that the portion of Chinese territory between Portas do Cerco and Peishanling be neutralized.
In the absence of evidence, documentary or otherwise, China could not admit Portugal's title to half the territory claimed, but was prepared to concede all that part of the Peninsula of Macao south of Portas do Cerco which was already beyond the limits of the original Portuguese Possession of Macao, and also to grant the developed parts of Ilhas de Coloane as Portuguese settlements. The ownership of territorial waters was to remain vested in China.
The negotiations having proved fruitless were transferred to Lisbon but on the outbreak of the Revolution in Portugal they were suspended. No material progress has been made since.
In November, 1911, the Chinese garrison in Lhassa, in sympathy with the revolutionary cause in China, mutinied against Amban Lien-yu, a Chinese Bannerman, and a few months later the Tibetans, by order of the Dalai Lama, revolted and besieged the Chinese forces in Lhassa till they were starved out and eventually evacuated Tibet. Chinese troops in Kham were also ejected. An expedition was sent from Szechuan and Yunnan to Tibet, but Great Britain protested and caused its withdrawal.
In August, 1912, the British Minister in Peking presented a Memorandum to the Chinese Government outlining the attitude of Great Britain towards the Tibetan question. China was asked to refrain from dispatching a military expedition into Tibet, as the re-establishment of Chinese authority would, it is stated, constitute a violation of the Anglo-Chinese Treaty of 1906. Chinese suzerainty in regard to Tibet was recognized. But Great Britain could not consent to the assertion of Chinese sovereignty over a State enjoying independent treaty relations with her. In conclusion, China was invited to come to an agreement regarding Tibet on the lines indicated in the Memorandum, such agreement to be antecedent to Great Britain's recognition of the Republic. Great Britain also imposed an embargo on the communications between China and Tibet via India.
In deference to the wishes of the British Government, China at once issued orders that the expeditionary force should not proceed beyond Giamda. In her reply she declared that the Chinese Government had no intention of converting Tibet into another province of China and that the preservation of the traditional system of Tibetan government was as much the desire of China as of Great Britain. The dispatch of troops into Tibet was, however, necessary for the fulfilment of the responsibilities attaching to China's treaty obligations with Great Britain, which required her to preserve peace and order throughout that vast territory, but she did not contemplate the idea of stationing an unlimited number of soldiers in Tibet. China considered that the existing treaties defined the status of Tibet with sufficient clearness, and therefore there was no need to negotiate a new treaty. She expressed the regret that the Indian Government had placed an embargo on the communications between China and Tibet via India, as China was at peace with Great Britain and regretted that Great Britain should threaten to withhold recognition of the Republic, such recognition being of mutual advantage to both countries. Finally, the Chinese Government hoped that the British Government would reconsider its attitude.
In May, 1913, the British Minister renewed his suggestion of the previous year that China should come to an agreement on the Tibetan question, and ultimately a Tripartite Conference was opened on October 13, at Simla with Mr. Ivan Chen, Sir Henry McMahon, and Lonchen Shatra as plemipotentiaries representing China, Great Britain, and Tibet, respectively.
The following is the substance of the Tibetan proposals:--
1. Tibet shall be an independent State, repudiating the Anglo- Chinese Convention of 1906.
2. The boundary of Tibet in regard to China includes that portion of Sinkiang south of Kuenlun Range and Altyn Tagh, the whole territory of Chinghai, the western portion of Kansuh and Szechuan, including Tachienlu, and the northwestern portion of Yunnan, including Atuntzu.
3. Great Britain and Tibet to negotiate, independent of China, new trade regulations.
4. No Chinese officials and troops to be stationed in Tibet.
5. China to recognize Dalai Lama as the head of the Buddhist Religion and institutions in Mongolia and China.
6. China to compensate Tibet for forcible exactions of money or property taken from the Tibetan Government.
The Chinese Plenipotentiary made the following counter-proposals:--
1. Tibet forms an integral part of Chinese territory and Chinese rights of every description which have existed in consequence of this integrity shall be respected by Tibet and recognized by Great Britan. China engages not to convert Tibet into a province and Great Britain not to annex Tibet or any portion of it.
2. China to appoint a Resident at Lhassa with an escort of 3,600 soldiers.
3. Tibet undertakes to be guided by China in her foreign and military affairs and not to enter into negotiations with any foreign Power except through the intermediary of China but this engagement does not exclude direct relations between British Trade Agents and Tibetan authorities as provided in the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1906.
4. Tibet to grant amnesty to those Tibetans known for their pro- Chinese inclinations and to restore to them their property.
5. Clause 5 of Tibetan claims can be discussed.
6. Revision of Trade Regulations of 1893 and 1908, if found necessary, must be made by all the parties concerned.
7. In regard to the limits of Tibet China claims Giamda and all the places east of it.
The British plenipotentiary sustained in the main the Tibetan view concerning the limits of Tibet. He suggested the creation of Inner and Outer Tibet by a line drawn along the Kuenlun Range to the 9eth longitude, turning south reaching a point south of the 34th latitude, then in south-easterly direction to Niarong, passing Hokow, Litang, Batang in a western and then southern and southwestern direction to Rima, thus involving the inclusion of Chiamdo in Outer Tibet and the withdrawal of the Chinese garrison stationed there. He proposed that recognition should be accorded to the autonomy of Outer Tibet whilst admitting the right of the Chinese to re-establish such a measure of control in Inner Tibet as would restore and safeguard their historic position there, without in any way infringing the integrity of Tibet as a geographical and political entity. Sir Henry McMahon also submitted to the Conference a draft proposal of the Convention to the plenipotentiaries. After some modification this draft was initialled by the British and Tibetan delegates but the Chinese delegate did not consider himself authorized to do so. Thereupon the British member after making slight concessions in regard to representation in the Chinese Parliament and the boundary in the neighbourhood of Lake Kokonor threatened, in the event of his persisting in his refusal, to eliminate the clause recognizing the suzerainty of China, and ipso facto the privileges appertaining thereto from the draft Convention already initialled by the British and Tibetan plenipotentiaries. In order to save the situation, the Chinese delegate initialled the documents, but on the clear understanding that to initial and to sign were two different things and that to sign he must obtain instructions from his Government.
China, dissatisfied with the suggested division into an Inner and Outer Tibet the boundaries of which would involve the evacuation of those districts actually in Chinese effective occupation and under its administration, though otherwise in accord with the general principles of the draft Convention, declared that the initialled draft was in no way binding upon her and took up the matter with the British Government in London and with its representative in Peking. Protracted negotiations took place thereafter, but, in spite of repeated concessions from the Chinese side in regard to the Chinese side in regard to the boundary question, the British Government would not negotiate on any basis other than the initialled convention. On July 3 an Agreement based on the terms of the draft Convention but providing special safeguards for the interests of Great Britain and Tibet in the event of China continuing to withhold her adherence, was signed between Great Britain and Tibet, not, however, before Mr. Ivan Chen had declared that the Chinese Government would recognize any treaty or similar document that might then or thereafter be signed between Great Britain and Tibet.
With the same spirit of compromise and a readiness to meet the wishes of the British Government and even to the extent of making considerable sacrifices in so far as they were compatible with her dignity, China has more than once offered to renew negotiations with the British Government but the latter has up to the present declined to do so. China wants nothing more than the re- establishment of Chinese suzerainty over Tibet, with recognition of the autonomy of the territory immediately under the control of the Lhassa Government; she is agreeable to the British idea of forming an effective buffer territory in so far as it is consistent with equity and justice; she is anxious that her trade interest should be looked after by her trade agents as do the British, a point which is agreeable even to the Tibetans though apparently not to the British; in other words, she expects that Great Britain would at least make with her an arrangement regarding Tibet which should not be any less disadvantageous to her than that made with Russia respecting Outer Mongolia.
Considering that China has claimed and exercised sovereign rights over Tibet, commanded the Tibetan army, supervised Tibetan internal administration, and confirmed the appointments of Tibetan officials, high and low, secular and even ecclesiastical, such expectations are modest enough, surely. At the present moment, with communication via India closed, with no official representative or agent present, with relations unsettled and unregulated, the position of China vis-a-vis Tibet is far from satisfactory and altogether anomalous, while as between China and Great Britain there is always this important question outstanding. An early settlement in a reciprocal spirit of give and take and giving reasonable satisfaction to the legitimate aspirations and claims of all parties is extremely desirable.
The world is more or less acquainted with the events in Urga in December, 1911, and the proclamation of independence of Outer Mongolia with Jetsun Dampa Hutukhtu as its ruler. By the Russo- Chinese Declaration of November 5, 1913, and the Tripartite Convention of Kiakhta of 1914 China has re-established her suzerainty over Outer Mongolia and obtained the acknowledgement that it forms a part of the Chinese territory. There remains the demarcation of boundary between Inner and Outer Mongolia which will take place shortly, and the outstanding question of the status of Tannu Uriankhai where Russia is lately reported to be subjecting the inhabitants to Russian jurisdiction and expelling Chinese traders.
The Tannu Uriankhai lands, according to the Imperial Institutes of the Tsing Dynasty, were under the control of the Tartar General of Uliasutai, the Sain Noin Aimak, the Jasaktu Khan Aimak and the Jetsun Dampa Hutkhta, and divided into forty-eight somons (tsoling). Geographically, according to the same authority, Tannu Uriankhai is bounded on the north by Russia, east by Tushetu Khan Aimak, west by the various aimks of Kobdo, and south by Jasaktu Khan Aimak. By a Joint Demarcation Commission in 1868 the Russo Chinese boundary in respect to Uriankhai was denmited and eight wooden boundary posts were erected to mark their respective frontiers.
In 1910, however, a Russian officer removed and burnt the boundary post at Chapuchi Yalodapa. The matter was taken up by the then Waiwupu with the Russian Minister. He replied to the effect that the limits of Uriankhai were an unsettled question and the Russian Government would not entertain the Chinese idea of taking independent steps to remark the boundary or to replace the post and expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the Joint Demarcation Commission of 1868, a dissatisfaction which would seem to be somewhat tardily expressed, to say the least. The case was temporarily dropped on account of the secession of Uliasutai from China in the following year.
While Uriankhai forms part of Autonomous Outer Mongolia, yet since Outer Mongolia is under China's suzerainty, and its territory is expressly recognized to form part of that of China, China cannot look on with indifference to any possible cession of territory by Outer Mongolia to Russia. Article 3 of the Kiakhta Agreement, 1915, prohibiting Outer Mongolia from concluding treaties with foreign powers respecting political and territorial question acknowledges China's right to negotiate and make such treaties. It is the firm intention of the Chinese Government to maintain its territorial integrity basing its case on historical records, on treaty rights and finally on the principle of nationality. It is notorious that the Mongols will be extremely unwilling to see Uriankhai incorporated into the Russian Empire. While Russia is spending countless lives and incalculable treasure in fighting for the sacred principle of nationality in Europe, we cannot believe
Reply:This will be in paper only in india . in now state goernment office , particularly in south inida expect perhaps in kerala it would be possible to get anything done without paying a personal visit and bribing the officials . No exception please. Do not dream of getting any thing done particularly while the mother of curruption DMK is in power, in Tamil nadu. Forget all procedures published in papers . people do not come to power for serving you . They have come to do business.And business means money.
How can i findi land surveying engineering job in orange county?
i am survey engineer.i earned my bachelor's degree in 2003 and i have 4 years experience in this field in my back country.ijust moved to orange county and looking for job in this field.i passed the caltrans exam and city of long beach exam in surveying also but they didnt call me yet.and also i took the L.S.I.T. exam and waiting for the result.i am looking for any surveying comany to bieng hired wit there any budy who can tell me how and where can i find the surveying company or any surveying job.i really appreciate.
How can i findi land surveying engineering job in orange county?
A couple of suggestions
1) Contact the CLSA (California Land Surveyors Association) in Santa Rosa.. they often have a list of entry openings. Join the local Orange county chapter and go to a few dinner meetings. Meet people and find out who has a job before the job is even anounced. Surveyors are ALWAYS happy to meet students/LSIT's)
2) Check the COunty and City offices as well as the other local municipal agencies (like water and gas).. these agencies usually field survey crews and often have openings.
3) CalTrans ALWAYS has openings...
4) Craigslist actually had two opening listed (under engineering) about a week ago
5) Get out the phone book and look under Land Surveyors and start calling. Its a small network (as you must know by now there are only about 3,000 active surveyors in the state so everyone knows everyone else in the local area).. asking one person can lead you to the next.
6) Don't limit yourself to survey firms (for now) construction firms will hire 'future' surveyors to do the grade setting and layout work that does not require a license.
One of these WILL get you a job.
good luck in your career.
Reply:Contact surveying Companies. They may be called survey Engineers or engineering companies.
choosing rain roots
How can i findi land surveying engineering job in orange county?
A couple of suggestions
1) Contact the CLSA (California Land Surveyors Association) in Santa Rosa.. they often have a list of entry openings. Join the local Orange county chapter and go to a few dinner meetings. Meet people and find out who has a job before the job is even anounced. Surveyors are ALWAYS happy to meet students/LSIT's)
2) Check the COunty and City offices as well as the other local municipal agencies (like water and gas).. these agencies usually field survey crews and often have openings.
3) CalTrans ALWAYS has openings...
4) Craigslist actually had two opening listed (under engineering) about a week ago
5) Get out the phone book and look under Land Surveyors and start calling. Its a small network (as you must know by now there are only about 3,000 active surveyors in the state so everyone knows everyone else in the local area).. asking one person can lead you to the next.
6) Don't limit yourself to survey firms (for now) construction firms will hire 'future' surveyors to do the grade setting and layout work that does not require a license.
One of these WILL get you a job.
good luck in your career.
Reply:Contact surveying Companies. They may be called survey Engineers or engineering companies.
choosing rain roots
What is the best way of completing these courses with the highest grade possible with the least time needed?
I am thinking about taking the following civil engineering courses this fall:
1.) Fluid Mechanics
2.) Statically Determinate Structural Analysis
3.) Civil Engineering Materials (covers concrete, asphalt, and the such)
4.) Soil Mechanics
5.) Land Surveying
I need Fluid Mechanics and the Structural course at minimum in order to graduate by December 2008. Fluid Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Land Surveying, and Civil Engineering Materials each have a lab associated with them, so I will need to attend one lab per week in each of those classes, which can be placed on the same day. I will also need to be able to learn which problems need to be completed and be able to turn them in physically, on engineering paper, to the instructor in class.
I am trying to form a plan because I have to work 40 hours a week (flex time options) and it would help if classes were during the evenings or done via distance education, but there is no way to do that without studying on your own and...
What is the best way of completing these courses with the highest grade possible with the least time needed?
My boyfriend is also in an engineering program and he has had trouble getting all the work done, because he has to work as well. First of all, tip from him: procrastination will kill you! wish there was an easy answer, but working 40 hours a week sounds like its going to be pretty rough...Vault and Red Bull will become your new best friends.
However, if you are willing to be hyper-organized and obsessive, you could try making a spreadsheet with 24 hours scheduled out, then schedule in all your work hours, and then sleep time (some of which you might have to sacrifice) and then schedule every available hour towards your courses (maybe an hour each course?).
Try this site to work out different ways to manage your time:
Hope this helps, and good luck :-)
Reply:Some colleges offer summer classes. They will probably be starting soon though, if they haven't already.
1.) Fluid Mechanics
2.) Statically Determinate Structural Analysis
3.) Civil Engineering Materials (covers concrete, asphalt, and the such)
4.) Soil Mechanics
5.) Land Surveying
I need Fluid Mechanics and the Structural course at minimum in order to graduate by December 2008. Fluid Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Land Surveying, and Civil Engineering Materials each have a lab associated with them, so I will need to attend one lab per week in each of those classes, which can be placed on the same day. I will also need to be able to learn which problems need to be completed and be able to turn them in physically, on engineering paper, to the instructor in class.
I am trying to form a plan because I have to work 40 hours a week (flex time options) and it would help if classes were during the evenings or done via distance education, but there is no way to do that without studying on your own and...
What is the best way of completing these courses with the highest grade possible with the least time needed?
My boyfriend is also in an engineering program and he has had trouble getting all the work done, because he has to work as well. First of all, tip from him: procrastination will kill you! wish there was an easy answer, but working 40 hours a week sounds like its going to be pretty rough...Vault and Red Bull will become your new best friends.
However, if you are willing to be hyper-organized and obsessive, you could try making a spreadsheet with 24 hours scheduled out, then schedule in all your work hours, and then sleep time (some of which you might have to sacrifice) and then schedule every available hour towards your courses (maybe an hour each course?).
Try this site to work out different ways to manage your time:
Hope this helps, and good luck :-)
Reply:Some colleges offer summer classes. They will probably be starting soon though, if they haven't already.
MBA for a Land Surveyor?
I'm currenlty on my way to becoming a Registered Land Surveyor, however, this will take a few more years. Does anyone see the benefit of getting an MBA. I plan on staying in the field of Land Surveying and closely related fields. Would an MBA help me at all?
MBA for a Land Surveyor?
It will help you later on if you become more business then field oriented.. but for now, keep focused on getting that PS credential.. its a major step in a career (good choice by the way).
good luck on your exams...
My name is Ajit. I am persuing my MBA from ICFAI Bangalore. MBA will definitely benefit you as the top positions in any industry are for managers only. As a land surveyor you can opt for Finance and Operations because it links to your work of land surveyor. Infrestructure industry is in boom now so there is a good scope for MBA graduates. If you have any other question just ask me my mail id is
Reply:An MBA would be helpful if you plan to start a business. If you're mostly interested in surveying as an independent contractor, an advanced degree in Civil Engineering would be helpful.
MBA for a Land Surveyor?
It will help you later on if you become more business then field oriented.. but for now, keep focused on getting that PS credential.. its a major step in a career (good choice by the way).
good luck on your exams...
My name is Ajit. I am persuing my MBA from ICFAI Bangalore. MBA will definitely benefit you as the top positions in any industry are for managers only. As a land surveyor you can opt for Finance and Operations because it links to your work of land surveyor. Infrestructure industry is in boom now so there is a good scope for MBA graduates. If you have any other question just ask me my mail id is
Reply:An MBA would be helpful if you plan to start a business. If you're mostly interested in surveying as an independent contractor, an advanced degree in Civil Engineering would be helpful.
Glesen Corp. purchased land with two old buildings on it as a factory site for $470,000.?
The property tax assessment on this property was $350,000: $250,000 for the land and the rest for the buildings. It took six months to tear down the old buildings and construct the factory.
The company paid $43,000 to raze the old buildings and sold salvaged lumber and brick for $6,300. Legal fees of $1,850 were paid for title investigation and drawing up the purchase contract. Payment to an engineering firm was made for a land survey, $2,200, and for drawing the factory plans, $90,000. The land survey had to be made before final plans could be drawn. The liability insurance premium that was paid during construction was $900. The contractor's charge for construction was $2,740,000. The company paid the contractor in two instalments: $1.2 at the end of three months and $1,540,000 upon completion. Interest costs of $170,000 were incurred to finance the construction.
Determine the land and building costs as they should be recorded on the books of Glesen Corp. Assume that the land survey was for the building.
Glesen Corp. purchased land with two old buildings on it as a factory site for $470,000.?
The company paid $43,000 to raze the old buildings and sold salvaged lumber and brick for $6,300. Legal fees of $1,850 were paid for title investigation and drawing up the purchase contract. Payment to an engineering firm was made for a land survey, $2,200, and for drawing the factory plans, $90,000. The land survey had to be made before final plans could be drawn. The liability insurance premium that was paid during construction was $900. The contractor's charge for construction was $2,740,000. The company paid the contractor in two instalments: $1.2 at the end of three months and $1,540,000 upon completion. Interest costs of $170,000 were incurred to finance the construction.
Determine the land and building costs as they should be recorded on the books of Glesen Corp. Assume that the land survey was for the building.
Glesen Corp. purchased land with two old buildings on it as a factory site for $470,000.?
Help with my property line...Plat and survey were different?
I bought a house almost 3 months ago. I had the land surveyed to know what property was ours. However, just a few weeks ago, I found out that we own an additional 7.5 acres from our assessors office. I called the land surveyor and he said that he did not do the field because he was not asked
However, the land survey that he did does not match what the plat survey looks like. I have even google mapped it, and it shows the shapes of the plat map. But the surveyors is different.
He had to put in two new survey stakes because two were removed, and he is saying that there is a gap between my parcels that belong to my neighbor, along with a barn that is right at the end of my driveway! But the plat map says it is all mine...
I cannot afford to have another land survey as this one was very expensive.
What sould I do?
Are there any sites that would show proptery lines or anything?
Help with my property line...Plat and survey were different?
Don't rely on Google maps. I'd start by going to your deed and reading the legal description for your property. Does it match your survey maps? If not, investigate further.
P.S. don't know where you're located, but in most locations I've been its the County Recorder's office you want to talk to - that's where the deeds and official plat maps are registered. The assessor uses that info to figure taxes.
Reply:A plat does not determine ownership; it determines lot lines or parcel boundaries. If your deeds says: "Lot 15, Block D of Chicken Farm Estates" or something similar, then you own lot 15 of Block D. There is no way you can look at a recorded plat and determine what property belongs to you without looking at the deed description of your property.
You said that your surveyor said that he did not "do the field". I don't really know what you mean by that, but when a surveyor states that, he means that he has not visited the site. In my state (Florida), a boundary survey cannot be prepared without actually finding property corners, taking measurements and replacing missing corners. Before helping you with any advice, I would have to see your deed and the plat that you are referring to. You can send them to me at davispsm at yahoo dot com and I can advise you further.
Reply:Firstly, assessors do not have much to do with your boundary lines or legal rights to the property. Like the name says they are assessing tax. Your ownership of land, and right to it is your deed and chain of title. It is based on legal description which your surveyor uses to do his survey, I don't know if it was a plot plan, tape measure, or an more accurate expensive instrument survey.
You need to research deeds and any plans that are recorded maybe over hundreds of years. You may have adverse possession issues. Assessor plat maps can be helpful to find owner names but legally they do not mean anything for who owns what. If you do not own it you may be having the joy of paying part of your neighbors property tax. But no you cannot use an assessors map, plat map, to determine ownership, or a google map, or a satellite map, it can only be base on land records at the Registry of Deeds aka Court House, etc. That costs $$$, ideally you need a land use/title/real estate attorney, title examiner, and maybe more surveying to know your rights. I know you are trying to go the cheapy route, but this is pretty technical and you are out of your depth.
Sweating Disorders
However, the land survey that he did does not match what the plat survey looks like. I have even google mapped it, and it shows the shapes of the plat map. But the surveyors is different.
He had to put in two new survey stakes because two were removed, and he is saying that there is a gap between my parcels that belong to my neighbor, along with a barn that is right at the end of my driveway! But the plat map says it is all mine...
I cannot afford to have another land survey as this one was very expensive.
What sould I do?
Are there any sites that would show proptery lines or anything?
Help with my property line...Plat and survey were different?
Don't rely on Google maps. I'd start by going to your deed and reading the legal description for your property. Does it match your survey maps? If not, investigate further.
P.S. don't know where you're located, but in most locations I've been its the County Recorder's office you want to talk to - that's where the deeds and official plat maps are registered. The assessor uses that info to figure taxes.
Reply:A plat does not determine ownership; it determines lot lines or parcel boundaries. If your deeds says: "Lot 15, Block D of Chicken Farm Estates" or something similar, then you own lot 15 of Block D. There is no way you can look at a recorded plat and determine what property belongs to you without looking at the deed description of your property.
You said that your surveyor said that he did not "do the field". I don't really know what you mean by that, but when a surveyor states that, he means that he has not visited the site. In my state (Florida), a boundary survey cannot be prepared without actually finding property corners, taking measurements and replacing missing corners. Before helping you with any advice, I would have to see your deed and the plat that you are referring to. You can send them to me at davispsm at yahoo dot com and I can advise you further.
Reply:Firstly, assessors do not have much to do with your boundary lines or legal rights to the property. Like the name says they are assessing tax. Your ownership of land, and right to it is your deed and chain of title. It is based on legal description which your surveyor uses to do his survey, I don't know if it was a plot plan, tape measure, or an more accurate expensive instrument survey.
You need to research deeds and any plans that are recorded maybe over hundreds of years. You may have adverse possession issues. Assessor plat maps can be helpful to find owner names but legally they do not mean anything for who owns what. If you do not own it you may be having the joy of paying part of your neighbors property tax. But no you cannot use an assessors map, plat map, to determine ownership, or a google map, or a satellite map, it can only be base on land records at the Registry of Deeds aka Court House, etc. That costs $$$, ideally you need a land use/title/real estate attorney, title examiner, and maybe more surveying to know your rights. I know you are trying to go the cheapy route, but this is pretty technical and you are out of your depth.
Sweating Disorders
I was denied a job at a non security job at a land surveying firm because of a misdemeanor paraphenelia charge
should i call a lawyer or wish i wasnt a dumb kid
I was denied a job at a non security job at a land surveying firm because of a misdemeanor paraphenelia charge
They have the right to deny you employment for any reason they wish with exception of the following: race, gender, age, religion, nationality, physical handicap, and sexual orientation. Criminal record, even a rather minor drug charge, is reason enough to deny you employment. Calling a lawyer is likely a waste of your time and money as no violation of the Equal Opportunity Employment Laws occured.
Reply:you can be turned down a job because of a conviction.
nothing you can do except keep looking for another job
Reply:How long ago was the charge? Minor at the time? If so, it shouldn't be on your record, if you were of age, option 2.
Reply:In most area's if you are in any type of security position, you will be denied the job because of the liability of a convicted employee (most of the time its because insurance companies will not cover security companies that have this type of a liability). The best thing to do is consult a lawyer because the only way you would even have a very slight chance (and I mean very) at any suit is if:You can prove some violation of the EEOC which it doesn't sound like it has occurred. At this point, I would just wish you weren't a dumb kid.
Reply:its called" at will employee " they can not hire you for any reason .. your credit history.. they dont like the car you drive,sounds like you wouldnt wanna work there anyhow. If you are talented enough start your own land surveying firm and bid the same jobs as that company does
I was denied a job at a non security job at a land surveying firm because of a misdemeanor paraphenelia charge
They have the right to deny you employment for any reason they wish with exception of the following: race, gender, age, religion, nationality, physical handicap, and sexual orientation. Criminal record, even a rather minor drug charge, is reason enough to deny you employment. Calling a lawyer is likely a waste of your time and money as no violation of the Equal Opportunity Employment Laws occured.
Reply:you can be turned down a job because of a conviction.
nothing you can do except keep looking for another job
Reply:How long ago was the charge? Minor at the time? If so, it shouldn't be on your record, if you were of age, option 2.
Reply:In most area's if you are in any type of security position, you will be denied the job because of the liability of a convicted employee (most of the time its because insurance companies will not cover security companies that have this type of a liability). The best thing to do is consult a lawyer because the only way you would even have a very slight chance (and I mean very) at any suit is if:You can prove some violation of the EEOC which it doesn't sound like it has occurred. At this point, I would just wish you weren't a dumb kid.
Reply:its called" at will employee " they can not hire you for any reason .. your credit history.. they dont like the car you drive,sounds like you wouldnt wanna work there anyhow. If you are talented enough start your own land surveying firm and bid the same jobs as that company does
Can you use gsp for surveying land if so how?
Survey quality GPS equipment may be used. The accuracy of handheld GPS units is around 10 ft which is not acceptable. The key to the survey begins at the legal starting point. This begins by researching adjacent property deeds at the courthouse. Most property disputs center around the legal starting point of the measurements and not the measurements themselves. Only a Registered Land Surveyor can determine this.
Can you use gsp for surveying land if so how?
GPS and yes you can by using degrees from the reading of the gps but it is not legal binding method of doing it... you should hire a surveyor to do the job..
Reply:GPS - Global Positioning System
Yes - to verify proper coordinates of one's location. To calculate distances and areas with greater ease, etc.
Reply:Doug is right, only a licensed professional land surveyor can properly perform a land survey. No one else is qualified, regardless of the equipment they may have. The GPS salesman may tell you that you can survey your own property with GPS, but he is just trying to sell you the equipment.
Can you use gsp for surveying land if so how?
GPS and yes you can by using degrees from the reading of the gps but it is not legal binding method of doing it... you should hire a surveyor to do the job..
Reply:GPS - Global Positioning System
Yes - to verify proper coordinates of one's location. To calculate distances and areas with greater ease, etc.
Reply:Doug is right, only a licensed professional land surveyor can properly perform a land survey. No one else is qualified, regardless of the equipment they may have. The GPS salesman may tell you that you can survey your own property with GPS, but he is just trying to sell you the equipment.
Where may I find survey for my property?
A tree fell and the highway department wants to know if the tree is on my land?
Where may I find survey for my property?
Everyone should have current survey for land they own and you should know where the monuments are (corner points) If you do not have one with a written description contact a Surveyor... look in the yellow pages under "Surveyors - Land" and make sure the are licensed.
Reply:The county court house and/or tax assessors office has this info!! The highway department should know this!! Let them do the paper work,, if they claim you are responsible then go and check it out yourself!!
Reply:i work in a govmnt zoning office..... most people have a survey of thier property at the closing. if not you will have to hire an engineer or architect licensed within your state.
Reply:You may have to hire a surveyor.
Reply:your local townhall
Where may I find survey for my property?
Everyone should have current survey for land they own and you should know where the monuments are (corner points) If you do not have one with a written description contact a Surveyor... look in the yellow pages under "Surveyors - Land" and make sure the are licensed.
Reply:The county court house and/or tax assessors office has this info!! The highway department should know this!! Let them do the paper work,, if they claim you are responsible then go and check it out yourself!!
Reply:i work in a govmnt zoning office..... most people have a survey of thier property at the closing. if not you will have to hire an engineer or architect licensed within your state.
Reply:You may have to hire a surveyor.
Reply:your local townhall
Where can I get stakes to hold one end of a 100' measuring tape?
I need 12" rustproof metal stakes (or rods, or markers, or pegs, or whatever you want to call them) that preferrably have a hook on one end to attach the end of a 100' reel tape measure. I'll be using this for land surveying. I've tried looking at tent stakes, but the hooks face downwards, not allowing the tape measure to hold on. Any ideas?
Where can I get stakes to hold one end of a 100' measuring tape?
1. True Value Hardware
2. Home Depot
3. Lowe's
One of those should solve your need, one would think, as you're hardly the first person that needs a measuring tape held.
Reply:I use gutter nails
Reply:I'd use a 16 penny nail.
Reply:a 1 x 3 and a roofing nail. hammer the wood into the ground and drive a roofing nail into the top of it half way down and hook your tape to that, or buy a wheel type measurer
Reply:Use a large spike nail 8" long or so from Home depot or Lowe's. Hook the tape onto the nailhead.
Reply:I use barbeque rods/spikes.
They have wooden handles so when you put the point through the ring of the tape, the tape is trapped.
Reply:go to the hardware store and buy some long Phillips screw drivers and that will give you a handle to grab on to pull them back out of the ground, they work great :)
Reply:get some 1x2 wood screen stock and cut at a 45 deg angel drive a 8 penny nail on the top to hold the tape you may need differant sizes if the land in hilly the tape has to be level to get a accurat read example 100 ft at a 6ft rise or fall will only be 99ft 9in 27/32 in actual distance.
choosing massage shoes
Where can I get stakes to hold one end of a 100' measuring tape?
1. True Value Hardware
2. Home Depot
3. Lowe's
One of those should solve your need, one would think, as you're hardly the first person that needs a measuring tape held.
Reply:I use gutter nails
Reply:I'd use a 16 penny nail.
Reply:a 1 x 3 and a roofing nail. hammer the wood into the ground and drive a roofing nail into the top of it half way down and hook your tape to that, or buy a wheel type measurer
Reply:Use a large spike nail 8" long or so from Home depot or Lowe's. Hook the tape onto the nailhead.
Reply:I use barbeque rods/spikes.
They have wooden handles so when you put the point through the ring of the tape, the tape is trapped.
Reply:go to the hardware store and buy some long Phillips screw drivers and that will give you a handle to grab on to pull them back out of the ground, they work great :)
Reply:get some 1x2 wood screen stock and cut at a 45 deg angel drive a 8 penny nail on the top to hold the tape you may need differant sizes if the land in hilly the tape has to be level to get a accurat read example 100 ft at a 6ft rise or fall will only be 99ft 9in 27/32 in actual distance.
choosing massage shoes
Survey...Are you a stranger in a strange land...?
I`m a native in a very strange land
Survey...Are you a stranger in a strange land...?
sometimes i think i im in a dream all the time..
Reply:yes we all are
Reply:yes can you show me the way to go home?
Reply:I am Sam, Sam I am!
Reply:Feel's like it sometime's! :-)
Reply:Much of the time, I think so
America was so different when I was a child
Now it is very strange and I am
a stranger in it.
Reply:Michael Valentine Smith is. That's one of my favorite books.
Reply:no?iam a naitve in a srange land?
Reply:I am a strange person in a strange land
Reply:No i'm just strange :)
Reply:sometimes i stop look around and go wtf.what are you people sometimes yes .then i realize,well maybe im the strange one.
Reply:yes, in a strange place in a strange land in a strange world
Reply:No, I'm a native in my native land.... Can't get much stranger than that.
Reply:Sure am anyone know the way out of youtube .....
Reply:Yes I am a stranger in a strange land.....I walk around all the time like nobody knows me!! lol
Reply:Sometimes even my house seems like a strange land.Yia sou.
Reply:No, I was born in Sheffield and I still live in sheffield.
Reply:sometimes yeah
Survey...Are you a stranger in a strange land...?
sometimes i think i im in a dream all the time..
Reply:yes we all are
Reply:yes can you show me the way to go home?
Reply:I am Sam, Sam I am!
Reply:Feel's like it sometime's! :-)
Reply:Much of the time, I think so
America was so different when I was a child
Now it is very strange and I am
a stranger in it.
Reply:Michael Valentine Smith is. That's one of my favorite books.
Reply:no?iam a naitve in a srange land?
Reply:I am a strange person in a strange land
Reply:No i'm just strange :)
Reply:sometimes i stop look around and go wtf.what are you people sometimes yes .then i realize,well maybe im the strange one.
Reply:yes, in a strange place in a strange land in a strange world
Reply:No, I'm a native in my native land.... Can't get much stranger than that.
Reply:Sure am anyone know the way out of youtube .....
Reply:Yes I am a stranger in a strange land.....I walk around all the time like nobody knows me!! lol
Reply:Sometimes even my house seems like a strange land.Yia sou.
Reply:No, I was born in Sheffield and I still live in sheffield.
Reply:sometimes yeah
How to deal with adverse possision of property?
Have a shared road with 3 parties. One party has fenced %26amp; gated off the last 1/3 of the access road. We do not need the road but it just does not seem right. I fear that they may have also rearranged other property lines as we can no longer find any of the property markers and it is all barbed wire fenced now. A land survey would be costly but perhaps worth it.
How to deal with adverse possision of property?
Get a survey promptly if the stakes or landmarkers are removed. If a survey costs $1000 but it save you some property worth $30,000 it is well worth it.
In my home state of New York adverse possession takes 7-10 years, but it also has to be done "openly and notoriously." with no objection from the owner of the encroached. If all you do is have your attorney write them a letter sent certified mail that basically tells them that you are aware that they are encroaching but you have no intention of ceding the land to them, you may not need to get a survey.
So the attorney might be the least expensive option. Speak to an attorney.
How to deal with adverse possision of property?
Get a survey promptly if the stakes or landmarkers are removed. If a survey costs $1000 but it save you some property worth $30,000 it is well worth it.
In my home state of New York adverse possession takes 7-10 years, but it also has to be done "openly and notoriously." with no objection from the owner of the encroached. If all you do is have your attorney write them a letter sent certified mail that basically tells them that you are aware that they are encroaching but you have no intention of ceding the land to them, you may not need to get a survey.
So the attorney might be the least expensive option. Speak to an attorney.
F.I.P monuments in land surveying means what?
Frequently Flat Iron Pipe or found iron pipe.
F.I.P monuments in land surveying means what?
Learn somethin' new every day, huh?! Thanks Benji Man!
F.I.P monuments in land surveying means what?
Learn somethin' new every day, huh?! Thanks Benji Man!
No Drainage easement listed on Survey?
Bought house in September 05, half is wooded land. Looked at the subdivision plat and it states a 10 foot drainage easement on the back of the property and it is not listed on my survey. What do I do to get this fixed? Also the property curves according to the survey and the land stakes are in a straight line. But the rebar is on the curve.
No Drainage easement listed on Survey?
It sounds like you hired a lazy surveyor. I would take these issues up with him/her first to see if corrections can be made. I also suggest you double check your title report to make sure the drainage easement is recorded.
shoe mesh
No Drainage easement listed on Survey?
It sounds like you hired a lazy surveyor. I would take these issues up with him/her first to see if corrections can be made. I also suggest you double check your title report to make sure the drainage easement is recorded.
shoe mesh
Need phone number to contact Charles Bates Land Surveyer Company.It located on Luella Street in Deer Park TX.
Need Info to find Charles Bates Land Survey Company. I have two lots in La Porte Texas total 50ft X 125ft and he was very reasonable. Please advise.
Need phone number to contact Charles Bates Land Surveyer Company.It located on Luella Street in Deer Park TX.
Bates, Charles Edward
1110 E Lambuth Ln
Deer Park, TX 77536-6522
(281) 479-5823
didn't find a business, but perhaps they can refer you to the office
Reply:Contact the Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce in Deer park.
They should be able to assist you with the phone number.
Need phone number to contact Charles Bates Land Surveyer Company.It located on Luella Street in Deer Park TX.
Bates, Charles Edward
1110 E Lambuth Ln
Deer Park, TX 77536-6522
(281) 479-5823
didn't find a business, but perhaps they can refer you to the office
Reply:Contact the Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce in Deer park.
They should be able to assist you with the phone number.
Survey: Do you like when one of your awol contacts comes back to join the land of madness??
A wee someone has cheered me up this afternoon :O)
Survey: Do you like when one of your awol contacts comes back to join the land of madness??
awww bless.... it is me you're talking about right...? ;o) xx
Thanks Nic... *big hug* back at ya...!
Reply:Yeah check out the T.Ds already...! ;o) x Report Abuse
Reply:It is always good to bring someone back into the fold.
Reply:Young lady please reveal where this land of madness is, I wish to visit,bah.
Reply:cool beans
Reply:yes :-)
Reply:yep i love it!
Reply:yeah if its someone i liked!
Reply:aaaawww - you're back!! yay!!!
Survey: Do you like when one of your awol contacts comes back to join the land of madness??
awww bless.... it is me you're talking about right...? ;o) xx
Thanks Nic... *big hug* back at ya...!
Reply:Yeah check out the T.Ds already...! ;o) x Report Abuse
Reply:It is always good to bring someone back into the fold.
Reply:Young lady please reveal where this land of madness is, I wish to visit,bah.
Reply:cool beans
Reply:yes :-)
Reply:yep i love it!
Reply:yeah if its someone i liked!
Reply:aaaawww - you're back!! yay!!!
What would the cost be to get a 60 x 120 sized lot surveyed?
Our home sits on a 60 x 120 lot and we were curious what the average cost would be to have the land surveyed as we want to put a fence up, so that we can attempt to block out our annoying, rude neighbors(more so the teenage kids that burn out the cars in OUR driveway).
We rent the house, but our landlord said it would be fine by him to get the property surveyed for a fence....
What would the cost be to get a 60 x 120 sized lot surveyed?
We just had our land surveyed, in order to build a new house in Minnesota. It cost us $1900.00.
Reply:I was told by a surveryer that he would come and survey any part of my land and it would cost a flat 250-350
shoe labels
We rent the house, but our landlord said it would be fine by him to get the property surveyed for a fence....
What would the cost be to get a 60 x 120 sized lot surveyed?
We just had our land surveyed, in order to build a new house in Minnesota. It cost us $1900.00.
Reply:I was told by a surveryer that he would come and survey any part of my land and it would cost a flat 250-350
shoe labels
What recourse does a citizen have for a surveyor who practices unethical behavior ?
I have reason to believe that he is receiving extra money from neighbor who didn't pay for land survey. this is so wrong and unfair to a customer who believed in their integrity and honesty.
What recourse does a citizen have for a surveyor who practices unethical behavior ?
call the company and request a different surveyor. explain the situation.. they will probably want to detect any fraud that is taking place in their company.
if they refuse to help. hire a different company. if they find in your favor, then you can file a complain against the first company and possibly take them to small claims court for the cost of the second company.
good luck.
What recourse does a citizen have for a surveyor who practices unethical behavior ?
call the company and request a different surveyor. explain the situation.. they will probably want to detect any fraud that is taking place in their company.
if they refuse to help. hire a different company. if they find in your favor, then you can file a complain against the first company and possibly take them to small claims court for the cost of the second company.
good luck.
What would the cost be to get a 60 x 120 sized lot surveyed?
Our home sits on a 60 x 120 lot and we were curious what the average cost would be to have the land surveyed as we want to put a fence up, so that we can attempt to block out our annoying, rude neighbors(more so the teenage kids that burn out the cars in OUR driveway).
We rent the house, but our landlord said it would be fine by him to get the property surveyed for a fence....
What would the cost be to get a 60 x 120 sized lot surveyed?
Call a local construction company to see what they charge for a legal survey in accordance with local and state regulations.
Everything must be in writing.
In my opinion you are better off moving than putting up with this mess.
We rent the house, but our landlord said it would be fine by him to get the property surveyed for a fence....
What would the cost be to get a 60 x 120 sized lot surveyed?
Call a local construction company to see what they charge for a legal survey in accordance with local and state regulations.
Everything must be in writing.
In my opinion you are better off moving than putting up with this mess.
In Texas land was inherited and divided. Fenced off for 40 years can the other party come in and refence?
Our land has been divided for years a cousin comes in and decides to get some one to survey land (The Core of Engineers came in 15 years ago and took 116 acres) so the deed in not exact on acreage. The other party says fence is suppose to be over 7 feet than what it has been in 40 years. can they do this what are the laws in Texas concerning this.Is it true that if land has been fenced off for so long that it is void?? Please help.
In Texas land was inherited and divided. Fenced off for 40 years can the other party come in and refence?
Two issues. One is what the deeds say. The other is a concept called adverse possession.
Adverse possession says that if you claim land for a long period of time (10-20 years), and actually use, then you get to keep it. It's more complicated than that in practice, but that's the idea.
The issue will get decided by a court. If you care about the seven feet, then you should consult with an attorney. She'll probably recommend filing what is called a "Quiet Title" action. That asks the court to settle any issues regarding property ownership.
Reply:Your only choice is to see a good lawyer.
In Texas land was inherited and divided. Fenced off for 40 years can the other party come in and refence?
Two issues. One is what the deeds say. The other is a concept called adverse possession.
Adverse possession says that if you claim land for a long period of time (10-20 years), and actually use, then you get to keep it. It's more complicated than that in practice, but that's the idea.
The issue will get decided by a court. If you care about the seven feet, then you should consult with an attorney. She'll probably recommend filing what is called a "Quiet Title" action. That asks the court to settle any issues regarding property ownership.
Reply:Your only choice is to see a good lawyer.
I am a Surveyor with GIS & Business qualifications. How do I get Business jobs with no business experience?
I am a Land Survey technician
I hold a GIS Diploma from a university
I have a degree in business administration
I want a job that is not "mechanical" or too technical
I want a business related job that involves decision making or marketing, organising and planning or modelling!
I am a Surveyor with GIS %26amp; Business qualifications. How do I get Business jobs with no business experience?
Consider a business that uses GIS.
White teeth
I hold a GIS Diploma from a university
I have a degree in business administration
I want a job that is not "mechanical" or too technical
I want a business related job that involves decision making or marketing, organising and planning or modelling!
I am a Surveyor with GIS %26amp; Business qualifications. How do I get Business jobs with no business experience?
Consider a business that uses GIS.
White teeth
Survey: Do you prefer Lost, or Land of the Lost?
Survey: Do you prefer Lost, or Land of the Lost?
Sleestaks..oh my
Land of the Lost
Reply:Land of the Lost
Reply:Land of the Lost!
Reply:Can I vote for a third? - Journey to the center of the Earth.
Reply:Land of the lost. Love, honey
Reply:Land of the Lost
Oh the Saturday mornings with a big bowl of Cheerios...and that on the TV.....What a great memory!
Reply:I was recently just turned on to Lost and now need a patch to break the addiction, so I'm going with that one...
(which reminds me...I have some kneecaps to break)
Survey: Do you prefer Lost, or Land of the Lost?
Sleestaks..oh my
Land of the Lost
Reply:Land of the Lost
Reply:Land of the Lost!
Reply:Can I vote for a third? - Journey to the center of the Earth.
Reply:Land of the lost. Love, honey
Reply:Land of the Lost
Oh the Saturday mornings with a big bowl of Cheerios...and that on the TV.....What a great memory!
Reply:I was recently just turned on to Lost and now need a patch to break the addiction, so I'm going with that one...
(which reminds me...I have some kneecaps to break)
How does one determine whether a Lane is private or public property?
I am trying to determine whether the Lane we live on is private or public property. We are the only house on the "street" and I had the land surveyed. According to the survey the Lane is our property and I know that we pay taxes for it.
How does one determine whether a Lane is private or public property?
Phone you local council, they will give you the number of the office responsible for the land and they can then tell you by referering to the deed title number
Reply:En quire from the council office or persuade to sell the lane
Reply:If your survey shows the lane on your property and you are paying taxes on it, it is probably your private property. Roads like this can become public property when other people use it to access some other property. We have a couple cases here in Wyoming like that. In one, a road ran along the front of several lots. The road ended in another road that lead to other homes. One of the home owners found out that about half the road way (about 10 feet) was actually on the home owners lots. He demanded compensation and attempted to block the roadway (his half anyway). He lost the case because the road had been there for a number of years and was now a "public right of way". In another case, a rancher sold his property to some out of state buyers. The new owners did not realize the ranch was "land locked". There was no public road to it. The only access was a dirt road used by the original owner that crossed another ranch. That rancher "rented" the road access to his neighbor for a yearly fee of a dollar. The new owners wanted to continue the deal but the other rancher said no and even plowed up the road. The new owners sued and lost because the other rancher had a formal (although cheap) rental agreement with the old neighbor which protected his property rights.
If that lane is on your property, then put a sign out there stating it is a private roadway. Put up a gate to keep out unwanted drivers. That is the best way to protect your property rights.
How does one determine whether a Lane is private or public property?
Phone you local council, they will give you the number of the office responsible for the land and they can then tell you by referering to the deed title number
Reply:En quire from the council office or persuade to sell the lane
Reply:If your survey shows the lane on your property and you are paying taxes on it, it is probably your private property. Roads like this can become public property when other people use it to access some other property. We have a couple cases here in Wyoming like that. In one, a road ran along the front of several lots. The road ended in another road that lead to other homes. One of the home owners found out that about half the road way (about 10 feet) was actually on the home owners lots. He demanded compensation and attempted to block the roadway (his half anyway). He lost the case because the road had been there for a number of years and was now a "public right of way". In another case, a rancher sold his property to some out of state buyers. The new owners did not realize the ranch was "land locked". There was no public road to it. The only access was a dirt road used by the original owner that crossed another ranch. That rancher "rented" the road access to his neighbor for a yearly fee of a dollar. The new owners wanted to continue the deal but the other rancher said no and even plowed up the road. The new owners sued and lost because the other rancher had a formal (although cheap) rental agreement with the old neighbor which protected his property rights.
If that lane is on your property, then put a sign out there stating it is a private roadway. Put up a gate to keep out unwanted drivers. That is the best way to protect your property rights.
What can i do to get my neighbor to stop blocking the ingress egress easement by him parking his car there?
I live in a townhouse with 4 units. my neighbor has the corner unit where he parks 2 cars. each of the 4 units is allowed 12.5 feet for parking their car as written in the land survey. However, my neighbor parks 2 cars on his side since he has corner land. The corner land is 16.5 feet with 4 feet being ingress egress easement. I know that he cannot park 2 cars there because his second car goes over the easement and blocks people from entering their unit. What can i do to get them to stop parking there. I have asked the city but they said its a private property matter and they wont help. Only other thing i know is to take them to court but that is very expensive i hear. is there anything else i can do?
What can i do to get my neighbor to stop blocking the ingress egress easement by him parking his car there?
before deciding to go to court, Id make sure I thoroughly understand
easement law. I know when dealing with this, there are changes from place to place, and the older the law, the less sense its makes today. Indianas' a good example, there pretty
much chopped up into square miles in farm country.......
Reply:Talk to your HOA, talk to the neighbor, otherwise tak him to court.
Reply:This is being facetious but if the guy was that much a jerk I think I would borrow the one ton beater truck at work ---drive it home and drive it right where you need to go.creaming the dudes vehicle and say oops.
What can i do to get my neighbor to stop blocking the ingress egress easement by him parking his car there?
before deciding to go to court, Id make sure I thoroughly understand
easement law. I know when dealing with this, there are changes from place to place, and the older the law, the less sense its makes today. Indianas' a good example, there pretty
much chopped up into square miles in farm country.......
Reply:Talk to your HOA, talk to the neighbor, otherwise tak him to court.
Reply:This is being facetious but if the guy was that much a jerk I think I would borrow the one ton beater truck at work ---drive it home and drive it right where you need to go.creaming the dudes vehicle and say oops.
How to determine property lines in Los Angeles county?
My mother needs to put in a new fence and it seems as if the previous neighbors put the old fence about a foot inside my mother's property. Of course, if she will put in a new fence she wants to make sure it accurately covers her property. How can we determine where her property boundary lines are at, before seeking a land survey? What LA county office would house this information?
How to determine property lines in Los Angeles county?
Although a survey exists she HAS to have a surveyer come out and show her exactly where every line it. They will flag it off for her.
It will cost 250-300. It will be worth every penny to keep her land from shrinking.
Reply:OK.. California does not require surveys on the sale or exchange of property, so your first step is to find out if one was done for the original construction.
1) Go to the local building department and see if they have copies of old surveys for either your property or the adjacent neighbors. Try the City Engineer's office and if LA County has one the City or County surveyor.
2) While you are there ask if the neighbor got a permit for the new fence.. doesnt hurt to ask.
3) No luck? Forget about the assessors maps.. they are handy guidelines but, as I tell my clients, they are devised for the purpose of setting taxes and if they are off a few inches or feet, the assessor won't care because it does not affect a significant tax amount.
4) In the long run, if you come up dry, you will need to have a survey done. Ask the surveyor to give you a report on the location of the fence, NOT set the property line. If the surveyor sets the property line he will also have to file a map or a document with the County which will cost you a few more $$. If he reports on the fence he may not have to and then, based on that report you can decide if you need the line actually set.
Keep in mind, that if that fence has been there for some period of time, even if it IS on your mom's land, the neighbor may have acquired the rights to keep it there (prescriptive use). If so you will need to work with the neighbor to clear that up or it might impact the eventual sale of both houses.
Reply:When she bought the house she got a survey or used an old survey. If she lost it she could call the title company and ask if they could look up the file. The county would have a plot for the neighborhood. But all this may not help her. She needs someone to put up those little flags so that she can know where to put the fence- a plat will only provide a picture of the lot and you would still have to make careful measurements and hope you are not going off in a slightly wrong direction.
Reply:The Los Angeles County Recorder's Office keeps property documents and real estate records. There may be a survey on file there from when your mother or a previous owner bought the place.
How to determine property lines in Los Angeles county?
Although a survey exists she HAS to have a surveyer come out and show her exactly where every line it. They will flag it off for her.
It will cost 250-300. It will be worth every penny to keep her land from shrinking.
Reply:OK.. California does not require surveys on the sale or exchange of property, so your first step is to find out if one was done for the original construction.
1) Go to the local building department and see if they have copies of old surveys for either your property or the adjacent neighbors. Try the City Engineer's office and if LA County has one the City or County surveyor.
2) While you are there ask if the neighbor got a permit for the new fence.. doesnt hurt to ask.
3) No luck? Forget about the assessors maps.. they are handy guidelines but, as I tell my clients, they are devised for the purpose of setting taxes and if they are off a few inches or feet, the assessor won't care because it does not affect a significant tax amount.
4) In the long run, if you come up dry, you will need to have a survey done. Ask the surveyor to give you a report on the location of the fence, NOT set the property line. If the surveyor sets the property line he will also have to file a map or a document with the County which will cost you a few more $$. If he reports on the fence he may not have to and then, based on that report you can decide if you need the line actually set.
Keep in mind, that if that fence has been there for some period of time, even if it IS on your mom's land, the neighbor may have acquired the rights to keep it there (prescriptive use). If so you will need to work with the neighbor to clear that up or it might impact the eventual sale of both houses.
Reply:When she bought the house she got a survey or used an old survey. If she lost it she could call the title company and ask if they could look up the file. The county would have a plot for the neighborhood. But all this may not help her. She needs someone to put up those little flags so that she can know where to put the fence- a plat will only provide a picture of the lot and you would still have to make careful measurements and hope you are not going off in a slightly wrong direction.
Reply:The Los Angeles County Recorder's Office keeps property documents and real estate records. There may be a survey on file there from when your mother or a previous owner bought the place.
I am taking a survey to see how many of you are still out there in Yahoo Land?
I was just wondering, because it's so quiet...
I am taking a survey to see how many of you are still out there in Yahoo Land?
I am!
Reply:Here, well, at least for the most part.
Reply:im not usually in this category but i peeked my head in the door and well... im here i guess
Reply:It is boring tonite.
Reply:I am still here. I was on another site, for a change. LOL
Reply:Riku is here and don't forget it
Reply:I just stopped by to see what was going on but now I'm leaving. Too much excitement for me.
Reply:sorry, i've been hiding in my little corner away from all the chaos
Sorry i had to do that.
Reply:im still here ♥
Reply:I'm here.
Reply:it is 1:36 pm sun. meow is here. being a crazy nut. (could be the cat nip)
Reply:me !
Reply:We are here.
Reply:I went off to bed and my cats are now answering the questions
Reply:heres one!!! I know it is quiet, i guess some of the folks have a real life to get to every now and then lol
Reply:Im always on yahoo,ok when using the computer.
Reply:I'm still here in Y/A land.
Reply:I'm in Yahoo outer space!!!
I'll be coming in for re-entry soon are you there ground control???
Reply:yes but not for long i have to get up and go to that hell i call work tomorrow
Reply:I'm here,
Reply:I am!
Reply:Hello, I am here.
Reply:oh. uh....I am
Reply:still here for a mintue or so....I'll be out very soon though.
I am taking a survey to see how many of you are still out there in Yahoo Land?
I am!
Reply:Here, well, at least for the most part.
Reply:im not usually in this category but i peeked my head in the door and well... im here i guess
Reply:It is boring tonite.
Reply:I am still here. I was on another site, for a change. LOL
Reply:Riku is here and don't forget it
Reply:I just stopped by to see what was going on but now I'm leaving. Too much excitement for me.
Reply:sorry, i've been hiding in my little corner away from all the chaos
Sorry i had to do that.
Reply:im still here ♥
Reply:I'm here.
Reply:it is 1:36 pm sun. meow is here. being a crazy nut. (could be the cat nip)
Reply:me !
Reply:We are here.
Reply:I went off to bed and my cats are now answering the questions
Reply:heres one!!! I know it is quiet, i guess some of the folks have a real life to get to every now and then lol
Reply:Im always on yahoo,ok when using the computer.
Reply:I'm still here in Y/A land.
Reply:I'm in Yahoo outer space!!!
I'll be coming in for re-entry soon are you there ground control???
Reply:yes but not for long i have to get up and go to that hell i call work tomorrow
Reply:I'm here,
Reply:I am!
Reply:Hello, I am here.
Reply:oh. uh....I am
Reply:still here for a mintue or so....I'll be out very soon though.
Do property survey lines measure along the incline of a hill or on a level plane under the hill?
I have 6 acres of land going up the side of a hill. If I took it all away and leveled my land would I have less property, or does the survey measurements take into account that I live on a hill and have already calculated the survey stakes on a flat plane?
Thanks for your help.
Do property survey lines measure along the incline of a hill or on a level plane under the hill?
I have not yet taken Land Transactions, but I believe the property lines are drawn regardless of the topography of the area (with exception to riparian [river] property). When land transactions are drawn, they are drawn looking at an overview of the land, and not measuring out with a tape measure over the surface of the land. So, in your situation, if your property line is 100 feet long, the property would stretch from one edge to 100 feet in the proper direction, regardless of topography -- so therefore if you are on a hill as you are, or if you had a deep gorge in the interim, they would not affect where the other edge of the property is located. When land is surveyed, the surveyors measure by using a sighting device and a post to measure the absolute line, not a measuring tape to determine the "lay of the land" line to the other edge of the property.
Actually, from the look of your question, measuring on an invisible plane above (or below) the land should give you more property -- by measuring the hillside, you are measuring the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Using the Pythagorean theorem, but replacing your property numbers with different figures, by measuring the hillside you are measuring a hypotenuse of 5, where the base of your triangle is 4, and the rise is 3 (3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2 == 9+16=25). What you should be measuring is that your triangle has a base of 5, with different figures for the rise and hypotenuse (i.e. that the hypotenuse (surface length) of your triangle is actually longer)
Hope that helps.
ice skates
Thanks for your help.
Do property survey lines measure along the incline of a hill or on a level plane under the hill?
I have not yet taken Land Transactions, but I believe the property lines are drawn regardless of the topography of the area (with exception to riparian [river] property). When land transactions are drawn, they are drawn looking at an overview of the land, and not measuring out with a tape measure over the surface of the land. So, in your situation, if your property line is 100 feet long, the property would stretch from one edge to 100 feet in the proper direction, regardless of topography -- so therefore if you are on a hill as you are, or if you had a deep gorge in the interim, they would not affect where the other edge of the property is located. When land is surveyed, the surveyors measure by using a sighting device and a post to measure the absolute line, not a measuring tape to determine the "lay of the land" line to the other edge of the property.
Actually, from the look of your question, measuring on an invisible plane above (or below) the land should give you more property -- by measuring the hillside, you are measuring the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Using the Pythagorean theorem, but replacing your property numbers with different figures, by measuring the hillside you are measuring a hypotenuse of 5, where the base of your triangle is 4, and the rise is 3 (3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2 == 9+16=25). What you should be measuring is that your triangle has a base of 5, with different figures for the rise and hypotenuse (i.e. that the hypotenuse (surface length) of your triangle is actually longer)
Hope that helps.
ice skates
Our neighbor started building a fence next to our lot. How do I find out if they have the correct measurement?
Is it our responsibility to have our land geodetically surveyed or have both the lands surveyed? Or is it the responsibility of the neighbor to show us their geodetic land survey report? Our land is the in the Philippines. Where do I go to have this done and what is the possible cost?
Our neighbor started building a fence next to our lot. How do I find out if they have the correct measurement?
The fence should have been filed since usually you need a permit to build it. Check with the city there should be some sort of survey allready on file.
Reply:Neighbour should have done the right thing and got a copy of the survey and showed it to you so you can both agree about the fence. Since he didn't you must seek your interest and survey your property.
Or you can ask him for it, making it sound like you assumed he did the right thing and got it before he started to build.
I don't know the how and where. Sorry.
Reply:Quit being a crummy neighbor!!! I cant stand nosey neighbors who want to crontrol everything in the hood. If you dont think its right then come out of your own pocket and get the measurements if you dont want to do that then quit complaining!
Our neighbor started building a fence next to our lot. How do I find out if they have the correct measurement?
The fence should have been filed since usually you need a permit to build it. Check with the city there should be some sort of survey allready on file.
Reply:Neighbour should have done the right thing and got a copy of the survey and showed it to you so you can both agree about the fence. Since he didn't you must seek your interest and survey your property.
Or you can ask him for it, making it sound like you assumed he did the right thing and got it before he started to build.
I don't know the how and where. Sorry.
Reply:Quit being a crummy neighbor!!! I cant stand nosey neighbors who want to crontrol everything in the hood. If you dont think its right then come out of your own pocket and get the measurements if you dont want to do that then quit complaining!
Survey - Do you think the federal government will return my land to me ?
the bank repossed it because I couldn't pay my mortage ?
Survey - Do you think the federal government will return my land to me ?
The only person that You can turn to in this situation would be the CHEIF Financial Officer at the Bank, but I'm pretty sure He's already got plans for a Casino to be placed on that spot.
Reply:Stop the drugs , drinking and carousing and you might have enough to purchase some land : )
Reply:I doubt it but they might name a shopping mall after you.
Reply:it is the bank's i don't think it has anything to do with the federal government.
Reply:No, unless you pay.
Reply:No, they stole mine generations ago and still no return.
Reply:Good luck with that buddy
Reply:only if it's on the reservation chief
Reply:Sorry... I'd say it's gone forever.
Survey - Do you think the federal government will return my land to me ?
The only person that You can turn to in this situation would be the CHEIF Financial Officer at the Bank, but I'm pretty sure He's already got plans for a Casino to be placed on that spot.
Reply:Stop the drugs , drinking and carousing and you might have enough to purchase some land : )
Reply:I doubt it but they might name a shopping mall after you.
Reply:it is the bank's i don't think it has anything to do with the federal government.
Reply:No, unless you pay.
Reply:No, they stole mine generations ago and still no return.
Reply:Good luck with that buddy
Reply:only if it's on the reservation chief
Reply:Sorry... I'd say it's gone forever.
If I buy an acre of land with a hill on it that goes up at about 45 degrees and down the other side about?
the same, how was the land measured? If I bulldoze it to a flat area, and haul away the dirt, will I have less than an acre? When they survey, do they measure up and down the hills, or as if the hills were removed (flat plane)?
If I buy an acre of land with a hill on it that goes up at about 45 degrees and down the other side about?
land is measured based on length of area actual including inclines so you would half less than an an acre if you flattened it out.
Reply:Who sold you the mountain? I'de send them a mountain goat Christmas card thanking them, and politely asking to now sell you a bulldozer..
Reply:if you buy the empire state building on an acre of ground
and tear down the empire state building . dont you still
have an acre .hmmm
If I buy an acre of land with a hill on it that goes up at about 45 degrees and down the other side about?
land is measured based on length of area actual including inclines so you would half less than an an acre if you flattened it out.
Reply:Who sold you the mountain? I'de send them a mountain goat Christmas card thanking them, and politely asking to now sell you a bulldozer..
Reply:if you buy the empire state building on an acre of ground
and tear down the empire state building . dont you still
have an acre .hmmm
SURVEY : Do you come from the land of the ice and snow?
I come from the land of steam'in drunks, (Glasgow)
SURVEY : Do you come from the land of the ice and snow?
Yes I am!!!!!!!!!
Reply:no no no
Reply:Yep! Narnia!
Reply:ahh ahhh ahhhhhhhhh ahhhh
Zep rules
Reply:Yes - from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow...
I come from a land of Hamhocks, collard greens and Ripple.
It's called Watts.
Reply:the Frozen Chosen
Reply:Not since global warming!
Reply:no i come from the land of fluffy white bunny rabbits and the little people in the trees
Reply:Used to.. now it just rains and blaws a gale lassie
Reply:I guess u could say that
Reply:No. I come from the land of drizzle.
Reply:Nope. Would that be Scotland then?
Reply:I wish; I come from the land of fire and heat waves.
Reply:somedays feel like that here.
Reply:normally... but it's almost 60 degrees out today and i live in lower Michigan.
Reply:i'm from the land of Vermont, USA where we get some of that......... ;)
Reply:hell no...... they talk funny there and eat haggis
Reply:No I'm from the land of leprechauns and Guinness
Reply:From the midnight sun where the hot springs below..
Reply:Yea we get that around here
Reply:Zepplin. And yes I'm a cold one.
Reply:Not so much...I'm from South Carolina...the land of insane heat and too-long summers!
Reply:Nope but I come from a place called the pearl of the orient and the house of the rising sun..........enjoy all the year round of different beautiful seasons...........wanna visit us here???
Reply:Feels like it at the moment hun x
Reply:Nope...i come from the land of smog and scallys!
Reply:kinda, but i live in the land of sand %26amp; dunes.
Reply:No, I'm from the land of morons!
Reply:down under any good to ya?
figure skates
SURVEY : Do you come from the land of the ice and snow?
Yes I am!!!!!!!!!
Reply:no no no
Reply:Yep! Narnia!
Reply:ahh ahhh ahhhhhhhhh ahhhh
Zep rules
Reply:Yes - from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow...
I come from a land of Hamhocks, collard greens and Ripple.
It's called Watts.
Reply:the Frozen Chosen
Reply:Not since global warming!
Reply:no i come from the land of fluffy white bunny rabbits and the little people in the trees
Reply:Used to.. now it just rains and blaws a gale lassie
Reply:I guess u could say that
Reply:No. I come from the land of drizzle.
Reply:Nope. Would that be Scotland then?
Reply:I wish; I come from the land of fire and heat waves.
Reply:somedays feel like that here.
Reply:normally... but it's almost 60 degrees out today and i live in lower Michigan.
Reply:i'm from the land of Vermont, USA where we get some of that......... ;)
Reply:hell no...... they talk funny there and eat haggis
Reply:No I'm from the land of leprechauns and Guinness
Reply:From the midnight sun where the hot springs below..
Reply:Yea we get that around here
Reply:Zepplin. And yes I'm a cold one.
Reply:Not so much...I'm from South Carolina...the land of insane heat and too-long summers!
Reply:Nope but I come from a place called the pearl of the orient and the house of the rising sun..........enjoy all the year round of different beautiful seasons...........wanna visit us here???
Reply:Feels like it at the moment hun x
Reply:Nope...i come from the land of smog and scallys!
Reply:kinda, but i live in the land of sand %26amp; dunes.
Reply:No, I'm from the land of morons!
Reply:down under any good to ya?
figure skates
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