Recently in a TNHB Tamil nadu acquistion case appeal in supreme court, the court gave verdict as," Any land can be acquired for no valid reason and yet can be sold out in open market according to the prevailing market rate". This verdict was given against the prior judgement given by the Chennai High court against the attitude of TNHB acquisition of land from some 40 poor people, and not been utilised for more than 22 years for the said cause. Chennai High court gave judgement and good justice for the poor people and slashed in the face of TNHB board members. Wheras, the Supreme Court says, once the land is acquired it belongs to Govt. and the aim can never be questioned and the said land can again be sold in the open market!!
Oh! My Mother India!!
Where we are heading?
Tomorrow your house and mine and our children's hard-earned money can be vanished in a single note of "land acquisition in so-and-so survey numbers" for the utilisation of some Govt.project?
Indian supreme court order- Any land can be acquired FOR NO REASON by Govt?
i believed that your government has the power to acquire private estates upon "just compensation" to the owners, and if they can prove that the acquired land must be for the benefit of the masses, ie highways which will pass through the state.
Reply:Now is the time for revolution. Rise up and overthrow your corrupt government or India will forever remain a backwards, third-world country.
Reply:you are raising a controversial issue...let me check authenticity of all what you said before i pass comment.
Reply:I must read the text of the judgement, before passing a judgement on the said judgement. You must read the whole judgement to understand the spirit behind the judgement. Do not be guided by the sensation-mongers in the Press, who often report such news out of context.
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Is government an administrative body meant to serve the people or profit making organisation out of the properties grabed from public.