Monday, May 24, 2010

Metes and Bounds Survey Question?

I am currently taking a real estate law class online and the assignment that is due is to find a parcel of property deed or survey then make it into a metes and bounds survey. I have looked and looked and first off I cannot find any deeds online that are detailed enough to turn it into a metes and bounds survey. Secondly we only discussed it a little bit "in class". Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to look for either a survey of land or a deed that would give a detailed description of land; and also does anyone know how to look at a survey or deed then turn it into a metes and bounds survey?

Metes and Bounds Survey Question?
A metes and bounds survey is contained in most surveys you find even today. You may be already aware that this form of describing the physical boundary of a parcel was created by in good ol England. Instead of using a physical natural feature like a bend in the creek, today's surveys use control benchmarks as a reference. So for instance you might see a survey referencing a benchmark XYZ on 123rd street and 321 avenue, heading west 200 feet to the point of beginning. Then the survey would traverse around the parcel using degree, minutes,seconds and direction and length all the way around the parcel until you reach the point of beginning.

You can find copies of surveys at the county assessors office for almost any given parcel. The best source is to find a recently platted subdivision.
Reply:If you are in the USA, quite simple. Go to your county Registry Of Deeds, take a book from the shelf and look through it to your hearts content. You will be able to read countless thousands of deeds all showing the metes and bounds. All deeds are a matter of public record so you will not have any problem viewing but they may make a charge if you want to copy anything.

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