To those who think we are in Iraq for oil, do you think tapping our own oil will end the war?
Northwestern Colorado. August 2005.
The U.S. Energy Department announces the results of a land survey...
It was conducted to determine the official amount of oil a thousand feet deep in the Rocky Mountains...
They reported this stunning news:
We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth.
Here are the official estimates:
• 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
• 18-times as much oil as Iraq
• 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
• 22-times as much oil as Iran
• 500-times as much oil as Yemen
...And it's all right here in the Western United States.
James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says, "We've got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East."
More than 2 TRILLION barrels. Untapped.
"That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today," reports The Denver Post.
Should the US tap all the oil that is within its own boarders?
Nooo. I love gas at $3.00/gal.
High gas prices are the next best thing to any goal of the eco-activist because in theory, it enforces an amount of conservation automatically.
In reality, studies have shown that people are unwilling to compromise any part of their lifestyle simply because its more expensive. People natually are going to travel a little less but what kind of solution is that to anything? We're still going to get to where we're going in 50 years it will just take slightly longer.
Libs dont want to drill for oil because they actually secretly like the high prices because it fuels the eco-activist agenda. The unfortunate side-effect is that we become dependent on foriegn oil and end up funding some of the most corrupt and brutal govts there are. (a problem liberals arent willing to face among others)
Reply:lack of crude is not the problem. it is lack of refineries. also the market is not supply and demand driven. it is politically and financially. however eventually we are going to have to bite the bullet. this is not a renewing source.
Reply:I agree with both bksooy and mountainman.
But those estimates are also quite inflated.
More oil is not the answer. We need to move away from it toward some other cleaner and renewable energy.
Reply:Sure, but only as part of a total program to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
If you wonder why this hasn't been done, it's NOT mainly the fault of the environmentalists. The reasons were economic. Some of this US oil was and is too costly to extract. More profits could be made by buying middle east oil. It's the same reason why the oil companies didn't build new refineries in the US. It wasn't the best use of their money at that time; more profits could be earned by refining oil elsewhere.
Drill the wells and open the spigots!
Reply:It's all a lie ! You are obviously a paid government stooge.
During the Carter Administration, they issued dire warnings that we'd run out of oil in 20 years. Hence, by my calculations, we've already run out of oil !!!
This can only mean we are in a dire situation, and to prevent public panic, the government has been secretly tapping alternative sources of oil to meet demand, such as the oil dumped out of KFC restaurants. I'll bet they're recycling the french fries at McDonalds right now. It's all a big government secret.
You know all those "runaway teens" you see on milk cartons? I know from reputable websites that the evil U.S. government has kidnapped thousands of pimply faced teens whose faces are literal gold mines of oil. These oil laden teens are forcibly restrained in secret underground labs where their faces are tapped daily for precious crude.
When I go to my global warming meeting next week, we're all going to have a big laugh at your thinly-veiled attempt to dupe the public. We all know there is no more oil left. We're all doomed. How are we supposed to believe these scientists? They've started to recant about global warming. That's heresy! I was all ready to give carbon credits to my best friends as Christmas presents, and you're ruining the whole thing!
Reply:Frankly, I don't see that our energy policy makes any sense.
26-50% of the Alaska oil is owned by foriegn companies depending on who you believe.
US OIL Production is 1,890,106,000 bl/yr or ½ of production level of 1970
We export 571,225,000 or 25% of what we produce
We import 4,580,385,000 or 2X of import level of 1970’s
Frankly our oil supply is controled by BIG OIL COMPANIES and they produce, import and export based on what makes them the most money.
I believe they use stratagies designed to drive up prices. Otherwise why export 25% of what we produce here and why not as you say drill for it here and keep it here.
As President Bush said "We need an energy bill that encourages consumption." —Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002
Since 1981, the number of refineries in the US has decreased from 324 to 153-a 52% reduction. We haven't opened a new refinery capable of processing 200,000 barrels per day in almost 25 years.
Reduce supply drives up price on purpose.
Reply:Why should US do that, as long as oil is available elsewhere? Oil diplomacy for energy security! you know !!!!!!!!
Reply:Yes. It's crazy that our government is not doing anything to help tap into our own oil. Why should we have to depend on other countries when we have it already? We have not made the transition to other sources yet and will still need it for years to come before we have. It is just not reasonable to demand it stops today.
Reply:We need to get OFF oil.There are existing fields.Secure them until we can transition.Oil isn't the future,it belongs in the past.The solution isn't more earth raping,it is evolving past that.That takes time,we should make it more than a rhetoric.I propose we put a standing 1 TRILLION dollar cash reward to the company or companies that can make the transition economically feasible.that ought to be incentive to put a lot of lab coats working on it.We just need to secure what's already tapped until we can get the h ell off of it
Reply:We need new refineries and the libs in congress have made that impossible nor will they let us drill for oil.
Wait until the libs get in power and federalise all the oil,then when they control the money,we'll get to drill and build.
Of course they'll add a few taxes on every gallon.
That needs to be kept in reserve.
What happens the day we use up all of our own domestic oil? Do we then start another war?
The time has come for Americans to grow up, reduce their use of carbon based fuels, and get those dreadful SUV's off the highway!
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