Monday, May 24, 2010

Which amendment of the Bill of Rights is this?

The Donovans and the Patels are at odds over the location of the boundary line dividing their properties. The area in question dates back to a mistake made when the land was originally surveyed and amounts to just under one-half acre altogether. Since the two families cannot agree on a settlement, they have decided to put the matter before a jury in a court of law. This they can do because of which constitutional amendment?

Which amendment of the Bill of Rights is this?
Not the United States Constitution. That is probably a state statute.
Reply:The facts as you state them lead me to believe that there is no United States Constitutional issue involved but rather a matter to be decided under applicable State law. Property rights, unless regarding an issue of race, ethnicity, religion, or some other constitutionally protected right generally do not raise any Constitutional issues unless this property extends over the boundary of two states and the two states involved are at odds. Then Federal law could take precedent and constitutional questions can arise. But, from what you stated, the state law in which the property lies and is in dispute will determine the outcome of the dispute within the state court.
Reply:eminent domain most likely...

not any bill of right...

those are personal rights.
Reply:7th - Value of controversy exceeding $20 - right to trial by jury.
Reply:None. The 7th amendment protects the right to jury trial "in suits at common law" and only applies to suits arising under the US Constitution. This suit does not arise under common law because it is not for money damages, but is essentially an equitable action or an action for declaratory relief which actions did not carry the right to a jury trial under common law. Moreover, this suit does not arise under the US Constitution because it is not one of the classes of cases specified under Article III, Section 2. of the Constitution. (unless the parties are citizens of different states or their boundary dispute involves a state line which facts are not specified)

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Reply:I would think it's the 7th amendment. It allows for suits of over $20.00 to be presented to a jury which is the tryer of facts
Reply:Probably this though I am not sure it would be the best way to settle it! Usually you can call the City and they will remark the boundary if incorrect!

Amendment VII

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Reply:Nothing in the Constitution provides for this. It is a civil matter for lawyers to argue.

What do you thing about agriculture In some countries like africa?

for example there is some countries has productive land alot of rain continuesly and even lakes with the water at all time but I don't Know what's the situation with their farming sometime's they bring them on news facing serious starvaion what's your view's and survey's on this nation If you are apolititiona or student or pholasiphy or regular sitizen any where?

What do you thing about agriculture In some countries like africa?
I'm not really going to answer your question, but just bring up a few things pertaining to it:

Starvation in Africa is not caused by some sort of systematic failure to farm, or even drought in countries like Ethiopia, but by war. Tribal conflicts precipitate most of the famine that you see on TV.

Also, the European Union and the United States are also responsible for the underproduction of food in Africa. They place steep tariffs on the import of food, and dump any surplus food on the world market at prices so low that they actually lose money for the nations. This prevents any agricultural build-up in Africa, the foundation of a solid economy.

shoe mesh

Polls & Surveys ...Any folks from the Land Down Under still awake?

its 2:05 am EST ~ 16/11/07

Polls %26amp; Surveys ...Any folks from the Land Down Under still awake?
Yes, I'm still awake, It's 3:25am here ^_^
Reply:it says you asked that 8 hours ago....I was working....Sorry I missed ya...
Reply:no im asleep then
Reply:yes , but run out of dial-up time , Sorry!
Reply:i come from the land down under!! im awake. its 5:17pm of course im awake!!lol

How to apply for duplicate registered sale deed?

My father passed away few months back and I inherited few acres of agricultural land. The original sale deed and parent documents are lost and I couldnt even find a copy. I just know the survey number. Is there a way I can get a duplicate copy of the registered sale deed?

How to apply for duplicate registered sale deed?
You need to first give a paper notification in the local daily about the loss of mother deed and original sale deed of the demised property with a statement that in case you do not get to know the whereabouts of the documents (Banks, money dealers etc) you will be applying to the competent authority for issue of a duplicate copy of the sale deed. On expiry of the notice period, you can apply to the Sub Registrar of land registration and local municipal/village authorities to issue a duplicate copy of the sale deed. Since you are the legal heir, I think, you also need to obtain a succession certificate from the court. It is better that you seek the service of a local lawyer who can do these services for you at a cost.
Reply:Sure. All you have to do is go to the courthouse and apply for a "lost deed".

Bring the necessary documentation to show that you are authorized to have it, such as a copy of the will.

If there is no will, then you may have to go through a real estate attorney to file the proper paperwork.

When will the 1st hurricane of the 2007 season make landfall and in what state?

I am trying to see if yahoo chatters can predict the month when the first hurricane will make land fall, and where the eye will make landfall. This survey is not costing any federal tax dollars either.

When will the 1st hurricane of the 2007 season make landfall and in what state?
I predict that the first hurricane of 2007 will make landfall in August along the southern shore of the panhandle of Florida.
Reply:There is already a tropical storm or almost tropical storm around Georgia and South Carolina. It will be named soon it starts with an A but dont remember it.
Reply:Hard to say, But I'll say June 10 a categorgy 1 on the FL. panhandle it's name is Barry

I am buying a municipal lane. To give deeded access to a neighbor MUST I include a survey? Ontario law please.

the lane runs from the roadway in behind the property on the corner which is the neighbors, to mine. I have a deeded right of way for my property. Now that I am buying the lane, my neighbor wants deeded access which she never had before. She used to have access to her backyard via the roadway that was paralell to the lane, but when she rebuilt her fence 9 years ago she closed off her driveway and put a gate off the laneway. Now that the municipality is selling the lane to me she wants deeded access. #1. I really don't understand why I have to pay for this since she closed up her access herself. #2 There were public meetings that were held and she didnt come to object, due dilligence was completed. #3 If I must give her deeded access, does it have to include a survey which is costly, or can it be worded on a deed?

Is there a different process that municipalities must follow to sell a roadway verses just plain old municipal land? This is so involved I am really confused. Thx alot.

I am buying a municipal lane. To give deeded access to a neighbor MUST I include a survey? Ontario law please.
I am in US, so not sure about Ontario law, but you can probably find out the answer from your local authorities. In the US, you could easily do this by recording a deed, saying "I hereby grant an easement over and across that portion of my property being the following described former municipal lane, to Mrs. X, for purposes of ingress and egress to her existing property." Of course, she should be willing to compensate you for doing this. If you and she cannot agree on an amount, but she insists that she has a right to use the lane, then the matter could result in litigation.
Reply:I think you are a reasonable individual. If I were you I would get a good real estate lawyer and sue her pants off. If shes hot I would get a GREAT real estate lawyer and take her panties too.

shoe labels

Hi there, could you help me on a survey. I really need it. Thanks alot?

Im doing a card sorting for my school project ( a website for a Bali resort), could u give me a hand. Here are the infomations:

History, Language, restaurant, Resort activities, Services, Amenities, Climates, Contacts, Land Sports, Relaxation, Romance, Business, Rooms, Tariff, Contacts, Map, Overall looks, Get around, Get in, Get out, Regions, Festivals, Culture Art, Seafood, Water Sports, Conveniency, Emergency, Air Sports, Packages, Reservation, Rates, Meetings %26amp; Events, Facilities, Region.

They are in random order, could u help me to sort them out in groups. 4-8 Groups will do.

(Dont worry as there is no right or wrong answers, as its a survey) Thanks for helping =)

Hi there, could you help me on a survey. I really need it. Thanks alot?
Groups not necessarily in this order, and items within each group not necessarily in order posted, but:


Group 1 - History, Language

Group 2 - Resort Activities, Land Sports, Water Sports, Air Sports, Climate

Group 3 - Relaxation, Romance, Business

Group 4 - Services, Amenities, Restaurant, Rooms, Overall Looks, Conveniency, Emergency, Facilities

Group 5 - Contacts, Get In, Get Around, Maps

Group 6 - Packages, Reservation, Rates, Meetings %26amp; Events, Tariff

Group 7 - Regions, Festivals, Culture Art, Seafood
Reply:G1: Amenities, Air Sports, Business, Climates, Contacts

G2: Contacts, Culture Art, Conveniency, Emergency, Festivals

G3: Facilities, Get around, Get in, Get out, History

G4: Language, Land Sports, Map, Meetings %26amp; Events, Overall looks

G5: Packages, restaurant, Resort activities, Relaxation, Romance

G6: Rooms, Regions, Reservation, Rates, Region

G7: Services, Seafood, Tariff, Water Sports
Reply:Group 1 : Resort activities, Water Sports,Air Sports,Land Sports

Group 2:Restaurant, Amenities,Rooms, Tariff, Contacts, Services,Reservation, Rates, Facilities,

Group 3:History,Language, Regions, Festivals, Culture Art, Map

Group 4:Climates, Relaxation, Romance, Overall looks, Get around, Get in, Get out, Seafood,

Group 5: Business,Conveniency, Emergency, Packages, Meetings %26amp; Events

What is the best subdiscipline in civil engineering?

Transportation, structural, surveying, construction management, environmental, water resources, land development, or geotechnical? Which has the best long term job prospects and pay?

What is the best subdiscipline in civil engineering?
Structural design using finite element analysis.

It is used in some many different industries and as the need for more efficient designs increases the need for better anyalysis is going to increase.
Reply:As far as long term job prospects, anything that has to do with infrastructure is the way to go. Society will always need roads, buildings, water and sewer distribution. However, since much of our infrastructure is managed and maintained by the government, the pay is not necessarily the best (although the government usually has good benefits).

Although things could definitely change, right now it appears that the hot area moving forward (especially if Democrats sweep into power later this year in the US) could be environmental, as our society appears to finally be concerned about our impact on the environment. There is a lot of work to be done in this area, if society decides that it is important.

Indian supreme court order- Any land can be acquired FOR NO REASON by Govt?

Recently in a TNHB Tamil nadu acquistion case appeal in supreme court, the court gave verdict as," Any land can be acquired for no valid reason and yet can be sold out in open market according to the prevailing market rate". This verdict was given against the prior judgement given by the Chennai High court against the attitude of TNHB acquisition of land from some 40 poor people, and not been utilised for more than 22 years for the said cause. Chennai High court gave judgement and good justice for the poor people and slashed in the face of TNHB board members. Wheras, the Supreme Court says, once the land is acquired it belongs to Govt. and the aim can never be questioned and the said land can again be sold in the open market!!

Oh! My Mother India!!

Where we are heading?

Tomorrow your house and mine and our children's hard-earned money can be vanished in a single note of "land acquisition in so-and-so survey numbers" for the utilisation of some Govt.project?

Indian supreme court order- Any land can be acquired FOR NO REASON by Govt?
i believed that your government has the power to acquire private estates upon "just compensation" to the owners, and if they can prove that the acquired land must be for the benefit of the masses, ie highways which will pass through the state.
Reply:Now is the time for revolution. Rise up and overthrow your corrupt government or India will forever remain a backwards, third-world country.
Reply:you are raising a controversial issue...let me check authenticity of all what you said before i pass comment.
Reply:I must read the text of the judgement, before passing a judgement on the said judgement. You must read the whole judgement to understand the spirit behind the judgement. Do not be guided by the sensation-mongers in the Press, who often report such news out of context.

Any Computer Aided Drafters out there? What the average salary?

I use Field Survey for a commercial land surveyor. I do not do topographic maps. I mainly draw structures based on gps points loaded into the computer. Sometimes I plot deeds. Just wanting to get an idea if my salary compares to others.

Any Computer Aided Drafters out there? What the average salary?
About 15 dollars an hour i was going to be one going to college to become one and the average wage was 15 dollars an hour.
Reply:THEY PAY ME 39.99 AN HR!


White teeth

My husband and I are buying a home and I have a question?

Everything has gone smoothly, we are still waiting on the survey (our new home includes 5 acres of land) and a title commentment. My leader has said to "start packing, it 's a done deal" . We have been scared to move utilities and pack, because our horror stories of something going wrong, to prevent closing. What could go wrong at this point? Should we pack?

My husband and I are buying a home and I have a question?
I am a real estate appraiser so my first question is did the house appraise ok? If so, great. The only other thing is I would check to see if the title work it going ok. If the house does not have a clear title, then there will be LOTS of paperwork and it could take months. Otherwise, go ahead and pack. And don't worry!!
Reply:Start packing the things you don't use every day, but don't schedule anything until you hear these three magic words from your mortgage lender: clear to close. That means the bank has signed off on everything and they're just waiting for the title company to schedule the closing.
Reply:As a lender one of the last things I order is the survey . I would say start packing, I would wait until I have a closing date for the utilities change. Enjoy you your home.
Reply:Once all contingencies are lifted it's a done deal and start packing. So if the home inspection, survey, financing and title search are all done then you are good to go.
Reply:I wouldn't start packing until you have a closing date written in stone. The only problem is that even closing dates can be moved. The establishment of a closing date means that everything is right with you, the seller and the financier. The last house I bought, the closing was delayed nearly three weeks. Talk to your loan officer/coordinator and demand a closing date before you get out the boxes and the tape.
Reply:Talk to your agent and I hope they have communicated effectively with you...that's what they are supposed to do. If in doubt speak to the escrow company that is handling the transaction because they are usually very helpful. As long as they are a good escrow company they will want to provide excellent service. And don't pay too much attention to the horror stories out there..yes it happens but as long as the stipulations and the loan process is being done correctly and timely, you should close as predicted. You're just being nervous because you're making the biggest investment of your life...don't worry.
Reply:Financing is most likely to be the source of any delays in closing, followed by any issues that result from the seller's actions (or lack thereof) in your final walkthrough. Survey and title issues should be covered by your title insurance. If it was me, I would pack now and schedule utility hookup for the new place, but not cancel them at the old place yet...they're two separate transactions usually.
Reply:I wouldn't pack until maybe a week before closing. As for utilities and all that, that can also wait until just before closing.

It's probably not likely something will happen, but you never know. The title search may not pan out as planned. There may be a boundary line dispute after the survey. Etc.
Reply:I work for a title company. Your survey should take an average 5 to 7 days with this much property it may be a few days more. The title commitment takes 3 to 5 working days and the title company should send it to you in the mail. You can call them to check on it. It also depends on where the property is at, in this case, if it is in a smaller county it could take a bit more time but never longer than 10 days! The title commitment has to come back without any prior problems but if it does then the title company will work to resolve the issues, you should have a closing date on your contract usually found on page three or four. The title company works on getting everything ready by this date, so you do not have to pay per Diem's on the property. As long as their isn't a lien from the government or something of this nature you should be OK to start packing and ready to move by your closing date, you may also request to close sooner if everything is OK. You can go online to the tax site where your property is located and look at the history of the taxs, etc, just google your county name with CAD behind it.

Good Luck :-)
Reply:Pack, but expect the unexpected. Mine was a done deal, but right before closing the bank had a fit about something and I had to take the day off work to run around faxing stuff to the bank, hubby's work, the bank... But we did close on time. Wait on utilities until the very last minute.
Reply:Start packing most people have a lot of stuff so pack thing you really do not use.

Land locked house?

the survey shows an 30 foot easement, but at the courthouse there is no easement on file for the original transfer of the land, it was from father to son. The easement that shows on my survey papers are from the original land owner to the county. He didn't make an easement to his son. Does this mean I can't travel over his personal property? There is a road the son used, but nothing on record at the courthouse giving a right of way.

Land locked house?
Order a title insurance policy or look at the one from when you bought it. It may have been overlooked in the history of the chain of title. This is what title insurance is for.
Reply:You are looking in the wrong place. It is on the title of the landowner, not your title. It will be refered to there as ingress and egress, not "easement".

It transfers over, it can not be removed, even by mutual consent.

Property survey Texas.?

Property survey

Years ago I bought a place in the country.

I will ask this question this way – think of a peace of land as 1 big block

Each corner has a big post for fence the title company hired the survey company

And each corner post has a steel rod in the ground on the end and outside of the post.

Showing my place now 5 years later a neighbor bought some land that joins me and another survey company shows only one steal rod 2 feet off –making part of my back fence belong to some one else and my title company tells me that they will not do anything about it – why do we then even bother to buy title INS?

Property survey Texas.?
Probably because your lender required the policy.

Unless this survey had an adverse effect on the value of the property for you then the lender would pursue action, however if you are still making your payments then the lender really doesn't care, he's getting his money, your still living on or using the property, so from their viewpoint its no big deal. Title policies have replaced abstracts because an abstract was only the "opinion" of a lawyer, if the lawyer dies then it is the opinion of a "dead" lawyer, escensially having no real value in any case. that is until it is tested in a court of law.

If you (I said YOU) challenge this in court then the title company might be compelled to action, if only to save a few bucks. Note I said in the beginning, this policy was prob. required by your lender, I doubt the policy was to protect you. if so only to the extent your lender might suffer monetary damages.
Reply:Well, depending on what state you are in it really don't matter. That is because in most states they cannot make you move your fence after 5 years and you can still live your happy self on your property you purchased. Like most people, you probably only got a survey because the mortgage company lending you the money said you had to. You could spend money to dispute the survey or hire another survey company to double check. Personally I believe it would be a waste of money since you stated it was done over 5 years ago. In south Louisiana we had a problem with surveyors not understanding what an arpent was an confused them with acres. Since an arpent is approximately 193 x 193 sq ft and an acre is approximately 209 x 209 this caused many property lines to cross. Much more than just a foot or so. The adjoining land owners usually split the difference in this case.

Good luck,


Buying a house which has small part of property occupied by neighbour?

i'm buying a house in los angeles, which has a little part of the land occupied by the neighbour. i did the survey yesterday and it shows that my neighbour encroach on my land.

i'm planning to ask the neighbour to remove everything he put on my land and will tell him that i'm going to put up a fence on my property after escrow is closed.

But just wondering what should i do if he refuse to remove his stuff and still claims that 's his property.


Buying a house which has small part of property occupied by neighbour?
it may very well be his property now. the way it goes is, if he has been "open and notorious" "has paid taxes on it" and nobody has complained for five years, he can claim ownership on the part of the property that he is encroaching on.

it is called, in legal terms "adverse posession".

if he does not meet these requirements, you will most likely need to send him a certified letter (even if he is next door) and tell him that you would like to discuss the issue and that it appears he is encroaching on your property.

if he refuses to speak to you about it, you must file a civil action against him to vacate would want to have the title company do it, since they are on the hook for the title insurance and they will not want you to sue them.
Reply:Take him to court and have a judge tell him to move over,and get a second opinion and make sure the property pins were not moved.
Reply:You're probably going to need a lawyer.


Disturbing The Peace on my own land???

I live on apx. 3 acre lot, about 500 ft away from my nebors. I been here for 4 years, there having problems when they don't get what they want. I bought this place, the neighbor had apx. 150 feet of my property fenced in on there land. I had to do a survey because the original markings were removed. They were forced to move there fence back 150 feet. Ever since this, they are complaining about everything.. They complain to us and about use about "barbieQing", complaining about us having a Tent in the back yard, complaining about our kids, playing outside, making noise.. They call the cops on us for everthing, this past night, they called the cops because we were shooting off they say "Fireworks" but they were my kids model rockets, There complaining about the Noise.. I am in the process of putting up a privicy fence.. Can I make noise on my property? ? Play music? What does the desterbing the peace mean? The police say that I cannot make no noise or sound or play music?

Disturbing The Peace on my own land???
You can make noise but every community has "noise ordanances" Disturbing the peace applies to you bothering other people. You're disturbing their has nothing to do w/your peace. But it does sound like your neighbors are jealous and upset because they had to move their fence
Reply:The state (and by extension the town/city/county) can set limits on how much your private activity can spill over -- in terms of noise, or anything else -- onto neighboring properties.
Reply:Two can play that game.......start calling the cops on them for stuff. Noise, garbage, property appearance. Oh yeah mess up there life. Call the city and complain. Don't put up with that crap. As for disturbing the peace......just remember a lot of places laws on that are really simple.....if your noise or activities can be heard from a certain distance away or in any way disturb are guilty.
Reply:This answer is from BC, Canada.

Most if not all municipalities have bylaws about noise that prohibit a person from making noise that disturbs other people. If you are found to be in breach, you'll get a fine. It's not a criminal offense. However, if the noise is not unreasonable, you won't be seen as breaching the bylaw.

Fireworks are also governed by bylaws and these are pretty strict. You should get a copy of the local fireworks bylaw and make sure you aren't in violation, as the fines can be pretty stiff.

It sounds like you have a relationship problem with the neighbours. I would suggest getting together with some kind of mediator and trying to reach a cease fire agreement.

If that can't be done or if they won't co-operate, there is not much you can do other than to ensure you are not breaching any laws. If you do this, then bylaw enforcement people and police will get tired of the unreasonable complaints and they should put pressure on your neighbours to stop calling.

We have been paying taxes and have a deed on a piece of land. Our neighbor said it's hers do we have rights?

About 40 years ago my husband grandfather and his brother made a land agreement over and hand shake. They marked the property and his grandparents paid the taxed on it. In 1999 my father in law bought it. They too paid taxes on it and had a deed. When he got sick with cancer we bought it from him and had the deed changed to us. Last fall our neighbor who is the daughter of the brother who made the land handshake tried to say that it was her land. She had it surveyed and they now say the land isn't ours. Do we have any rights to the land since we have a deed and have been paying taxes on in for 7 years? Please help, we don't want to lose this on acre of land that was my father in laws dream.

We have been paying taxes and have a deed on a piece of land. Our neighbor said it's hers do we have rights?
You really do need a "Real Estate" attorney, not a general practice attorney. This question is beyond the legal scope of what anyone here could advise. All I can offer is a little knowledge of the terms %26amp; conditions of your situation.

Adverse Possession:

A means of acquiring title to real estate where an occupant has been in actual, open, Notorious, exclusive, hostile, and continuous occupancy of property for the period required by state law. Permission from the owner, as given by a lease, does not qualify because it is not hostile.

Statutory Period:

The time period of the statute of limitations that must expire before title can be acquired by adverse possession varies from state to state. No statute will begin to run until the adverse claimant actually possesses the property in question under color of title or claim of right, where necessary. As of that time, the landowner is entitled to bring a lawsuit against the possessor to recover the property.

A typical statute will require possession for 7 years, if under color of title (an appearance of legal power to act but which may actually operate in violation of law), or 20 years, if not.

Simply granting permission to be on the land or use it nullifies any claim to adverse possession which as defined has to be open and notorious.
Reply:You need a real estate attorney.

The laws vary from State to State but who pays the real estate taxes does not determine who owns the land. In some States if the people can prove they have used that property on a regular basis they can lay claim to it. I read a Colorado case in which the owners of a vacant lot lost part of it because the neighbors used it over a period of years.
Reply:I think you should ask a lawyer. But before you spend the money, read the deed yourself. Also, ask the entity that you have been paying taxes to. Both of those actions cost nothing. Then, if you decide to go to a lawyer, maybe you will need less of his time.
Reply:This is a complicated issue regarding the validity of the originating oral contract. I can't see this issue being resolved outside of the courts.

Best advice is to get a lawyer working on the case to get this resolved immediately.
Reply:Go to the county registers office %26amp; see who's name the property is in. If you have a deed recorded it is yours. If not, it isn't. Even on a handshake deal the records have to be filed.
Reply:The deed will have the legal description on it which a surveyor can follow. Get a survey and have your property lines marked. You have the own it! We bought a lot and the neighbor's stairs encroached on our land by 1.5 feet. After the survey was completed, my husband took a cement saw to the stairs and cut off the encroaching portion. When the neighbor came out, we showed him the survey marks, property lines and said he was more than welcome to get his own survey. We haven't had a problem since...and that was 12 years ago....and still neighbors. The law is on your side.

ice skates

Jerome purchased a tract of land for $150,000 in 1998 when he heard that a new highway was going to be constru

Jerome purchased a tract of land for $150,000 in 1998 when he heard that a new highway was going to be constructed through the property and that the land would soon be worth $300,000. Highway engineers surveyed the property and indicated that he would probably get $200,000. The highway project was abandoned in 2004 and the value of the land fell to $80,000. What is the amount of loss Jerome can claim in 2004?

Jerome purchased a tract of land for $150,000 in 1998 when he heard that a new highway was going to be constru
For tax purposes, he should sell it before he claims the loss. He may be able to "mark it to market" on his books; he would not depreciate it as you would equipment; as it's land, it doesn't depreciate.

My first survey?

Ignore or acknowledge someone who's been ignoring you?

Love or hate someone who disrespected you on the worst level?

Kiss or hug for your loved one when they get home?

Procrastinate or work on that Triple Fudge sundae that you already know will make you sick and misrable?

Park in the garage or park in the drive-way if you have a fancy car?

Pray or not pray if someone asks you to pray for them?

Flush your favorite expensive fish down the toilet or give him a proper burial when he dies?

Good childhood memories or good teenage memories?

Great success in your career or great success as a parent?

Ice cold water from a lake or warm bottled water?

In the tabloids or have a video about you all over the net and tv? Not in a good way either.

Survey or No Survey when your bored?

Kudos for taking my first survey!

~off to la-la land..~

My first survey?
Wow this is long! okay dokey now to answer it...




work on that Triple Fudge sundae that you already know will make you sick and misrable

Park in the garage if you have a fancy car

Pray if someone asks you to pray for them?

Flush your favorite expensive fish down the toilet

Good childhood memories

great success as a parent ( my dad died when i was five i want to give my kids the experiance of having a good dad, something i never had.)

Ice cold water from a lake

In the tabloids (been on internet, tv, and movies already)


Kudos for taking my first survey! Thnks that was a good survey!

usually hate

kiss (if i had a "loved one")


garage (if I had a car)


give him a proper burial when he dies? (if i had one)

hmmm... good childhood memories

am not in any of them

average cuz i don't like it when its like freezing and i don't want some if they are like warm, so i would say cold but not too cold

In the tabloids

Reply:Ignore or acknowledge someone who's been ignoring you?

when you ignore someone, you DO acknowledge that they are CHOOSE to ignore them, so I`d ignore them right back

Love or hate someone who disrespected you on the worst level?

Depends if i already love the person. If you love someone, you don`t just stop just because they do something stupid

Kiss or hug for your loved one when they get home?


Procrastinate or work on that Triple Fudge sundae that you already know will make you sick and misrable?

i don`t procrastinate

Park in the garage or park in the drive-way if you have a fancy car?


Pray or not pray if someone asks you to pray for them?


Flush your favorite expensive fish down the toilet or give him a proper burial when he dies?

never had any fish so I can`t relate

Good childhood memories or good teenage memories?

definitely both

Great success in your career or great success as a parent?

don`t really have a career, just a job...parenting...we`ll see how things turn

Ice cold water from a lake or warm bottled water?

Warm bottled water (your body absorbs it better if it`s closer to your body temperature)

In the tabloids or have a video about you all over the net and tv? Not in a good way either.

I`d go with the tabloids

Survey or No Survey when your bored?



Work my way up for the Sundae




Both, but teenage memories are fun


Ice cold water



Your welcome
Reply:1]acknoledge, then you can bug them

2]hate-im a mean girl some times

3]hug-closer to eachother

4]*yum* Triple Fudge sunday

5}garage-no one would touch it!

6]pray-God knows best


8]teenage-those memories are the ones that make us successful in life

9]career-i need to make money

10]lake water!- warm water is gross

11] one believes those

Reply:Some edvice, dont make them LONG!
Reply:1. acknowledge - open communication with them

2. hate - if I can't choose a different answer

3. hug - sometimes kiss too!

4. Sundae - duh

5. garage - that's why they exist, other wise it's for storage.

6. Pray - it's what they wanted

7. flush - It's a fish!

8. teenage - better times for me. (want to say both)

9. success as a parent - I feel I have that. The best feeling EVER.

10.lake - easy one

11. tabloids - less exposure

12. hmmm - depends on the mood
Reply:Ignore; hate; hug; work on that; garage; pray, if I remember; flush; good childhood; career, I don't want kids; ice cold water; tabloid; survey



triple fudge sundae








Reply:good childhood memories

bottled water

survey when bored but didn't really know what to choose on here...





Proper burial

Good childhood memories

Success as a student

Warm bottled water



Your welcome :)

Love....try to love, be kind to everyone, even those who are jerks

Kiss and hug....

...funny...usually procrastinate that one

Park in garage

Pray...most definitely. I don't have to be asked

Fish gets the flush...other pests get the proper burial

Good childhood and teenage memories

No success compensates for failure in the home

Lake water

Neither, but would take the tabloids

Survey.....thanks for curing the boredom









warm bottled


Reply:Too many questions to answer... Tone it down some...
Reply:1) ignore

2) hate

3) both

4) I am the world's greatest and most experienced procrastinator. Actually no, I'm second to my sister.

5) Dont have a garage

6) I dont pray

7) burial at sea

8) both

9) parent

10) neither-cold water from the tap

11) neither-Paris Hilton could answer that though

12) this survey

I need free legal advice for a civil real estate suit in Fulton Co, Arkansas?

I built a home and was sued 6 1/2 years later because the land had been incorrectly surveyed.

I need free legal advice for a civil real estate suit in Fulton Co, Arkansas?
Along the lines of Acermill, call your title company. It is actually their job to protect your title, they should send you their attorney w/o charge (they charge the title insurance company).

I have had a title similarly threatened and the title company handled everything, in my case settling the case out of court, and out of their pocket, not mine.
Reply:I would hope that you purchased title insurance on the property, since these are exactly the types of issues which title insurance is designed to cover.

If you proceeded without title insurance, you are basically on your own. Good luck.

We rent, and neighbors keep parking on our land they have moved surveyers stakes to say it is theirs.?

We have a copy of the survey and they keep insisting they are parking on their land.They park in front of our cars so we can't get out.We cannot afford to move, so that is not an option, and my landlord can't afford to have it resurveyed.What options do we have? we live in North Carolina does anyone know the laws here regarding situations like this? Please HELP ME

We rent, and neighbors keep parking on our land they have moved surveyers stakes to say it is theirs.?
If you are absolutely positive the land they are parking on is land you are paying rent for, then give them a verbal warning, then a written warning then call the cops and have them issue a warning. If that still doesn't stop them call the town/city and have them tow their cars as they are illegally parked on your property. Make sure your landlord is aware of everything because he/she will likely have to show up in court if you get sued.

Of course you would win that lawsuit, but you may still have to face it.
Reply:I would go to the City Hall and get a surveyors map that shows where your property and your neighbors property are marked. If that does not help I would go to the police and have them tow the cars since they are parking on your land. Inform your landlord what you are doing.
Reply:go to the town hall..tomorrow am...and ask the building inspector what to do...

you sound as you have more of a problem with your neighbor harassing you...than, a parking problem...dont get upset...dont tell anyone what you are going to do...just go do as i suggested..and, let him advise you as to what you should do...this doesnt sound righ to me..

best wishes
Reply:somebody is going to have to prove it is their land. Either your landlord or your neighbors.

Until then, just keep on acting as though it is your rented property.

Records should be kept at the county deeds office.
Reply:Actually it is your landlords duties. You can sue your landlord if he does not do something about you having your cars blocked in.

You can call and have thier cars towed if they are parked on the land that you have rented.

But in the end, if no one has the money for lawyers and for a surveyor, not much can really be done.
Reply:That sucks. It sounds like they're not even interested in being cooperative, either.

If you're landlord isn't willing to help, I don't know what recourse you have. Have you been to the courthouse to check on the land plat? Ask the people at the courthouse for advice.

I can't imagine why you landlord would have to have it re-surveyed. The survey on file at the courthouse should have the legal lines. Can't you make a copy of this and show it to your neighbors? If the don't comply, call the police, I guess.

I wish that I could be more help. I am a landlord, and I would do something about it for my renters. I can't imagine why your landlord wouldn't.

Good luck.

figure skates

What if the property survery was done incorrectly?

Survey was completed at time of closing, 5 yrs ago. Property is fenced and adjacent to state land. The state disagrees with my survey and ordered their own. Their surveyer says mine held their map incorrectly when measuring property direction, therefore my survey is incorrect. I stand to lose 10 feet of property.

I do have Title Insurance, but from what I understand, this dilema is not covered. What are my options?

What if the property survery was done incorrectly?
You are not loosing anything. You did not own that 10 feet in the first place, but you may now learn that you own 10 feet at another line of your property.

Your insurance will cover a new survey to find your missing 10 feet, but it will force the state to give you the 10 feet that did not belong to you in the first place.
Reply:First off, your title insurance should be covering the loss on this, unless the box is not checked on the purchase agreement stating that the additional coverage will be provided to insure above or beyond the normal conditions, relating to.......survey matters..... This is called Owners Extended Coverage, and it should be standard when purchasing a property. Ask your Realtor to look back in the contract to see what was marked.

If this was marked, the title company should be on the hook for protecting you on this.

First, though, I'd take Rose's advice and check with your surveyor and with the survey the government did.

Good luck with this - it could get expensive and be more worth it to just abide by what the government says. I hope not, but sometimes that's what happens.
Reply:First of all, just because the State says your survey is inaccurate, that does not prove it is in fact inaccurate. Get a copy of the State's survey, and take a copy of it with a copy of your original survey to your original surveyor and ask your surveyor to explain the discrepancy, in writing. If you do not like that explanation, take copies of each survey to an independent surveyor and ask for an independent opinion.

If your original survey is truly inaccurate, and this has caused you a loss (damages), you must retain an attorney to file a lawsuit against the surveyor and probably the title insurance company for compensation for the loss.
Reply:Move your fence. You are not losing any land because you cannot lose something you never had.

Sue the surveyor for the costs of moving your fence.

What do you understand by Lands Surveying?

Basic land surveys give terrain features, elevations, as well as trees, etc. Geologists then often look into the soil, study drainage, etc. to determine if it is suitable for structures, needs drainage improvements and the like depending upon the planned usage for the site.

What do you understand by Lands Surveying?
The main purpose of Land Surveying is to establish boundaries that control ownership of land. There are many other aspects, but that is generally considered to be the most fundamental and important role of the Land Surveying Profession.

How to respond to Small Claims Court notice, out of state???

I am being taken to small claims court by a land surveying company in Kansas while I live in Florida. A year I had asked an insurance company for insurance rate in turn they hired a land surveying company after which rate came to be too high I did not buy the land. Now land survey company gong after me for survey fees, I did not directly authorize the work nor did I speak to survey company directly, never called/requested their services, insruance anget did.

I am in Florida, court in Kansas, notice was divered by some dilivery company. I called the court and was told to write a letter to the judge and explain the situation. Court date is June 10th.

-What are the chances for case being dropped if write a letter to the judge?

-What should I put in the letter?

-I cannot show-up for court if my letter does not convince the judge..a default judgement will be granted.

What to tell the judge? I appreciate any pointers any help, key words, phrases.

Thank you!!!

How to respond to Small Claims Court notice, out of state???
This is a question of was the insurance company an agent for you. Agency is established in three different ways. It can be express (you say survey the land for me) implied (you say you are interested in the land and then the insurance company takes action) or ratified (the insurance company does something and you sign off on it.)

Clearly this is not a case of express or ratified, you neither ordered the suevey or paid for it. The question is was the insurance company acting with implied agency powers. It looks like they might have been, but the question is not at all certain.

The key question is was the insurance company's action in the normal and ordinary course of business. If so they have implied power of agency and you as the principle are bound by their actions.

When writing the letter (assuming that the following statement is accurate) point out that you asked for a quote, not asking for insurance in the land. I don't know if that will be enough to win though since it will depend on if it is customary for insurance companies to go out and survey the land when making a quote, and also if it is customary for them to pass the charge along to the prospective insured.

Also, you must reply. Even though the court does not have personal jurisdiction over you (you aren't in the state so they can't haul you into court) they still can have a default judgment entered in against you. You can ask for a continuance, which delays the court date. If there is a time when you can go and appear tell the court when you can, and why you can't go now. Or you can also point out that the court does not have in personam jurisdiction and that Flordia is the proper venue. That may be enough to have the case dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.

Also, I don't know about Kansas, but in almost all states if you do show up to challenge jurisdiction they can't serve you while you are in state as long as you simply go to court and then leave. Normially if you are in a state they can serve you there and have jurisdiction over you, however if you go for the sole purpose of contesting jurisdiction you are said to have made a "special apperance." However, if you do make a special apperance you can ONLY challenge jurisdiction, not mount a defense or make any other type of motion.
Reply:regardless...the kansas court has no jurisdiction outside of kansas....youu do not need to respond...period!!!!!!!!!! Report Abuse

Reply:Do nothing!!!!!!!!!

"Who can be sued in small claims? You may sue any person or business operating in Kansas that you believe owes you money or property. That person must reside in the county where the case is filed. You may not sue the state, county, city or township entity, or any other government in small claims court. "

This is from the Kansas Courts....they can not sue you in Kansas...if they want to bring small claims action against you...they need to file in Florida!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:The question of the hour though is did the insurance company advise you they were going to get a land surveying company to perform this work at your expense or when you contacted them did they send you any documents to sign so they can pursue this matter on your behalf? If you answered no to these questions I would certainly include in my letter as well as who I spoke to (including dates and times) and the nature of our conversations in as much detail as you can recall.

What is the web address where you can check the " Land title or &/12 for your land in Maharashtra state?

I understand that city survey has made the land records available on the net. Can one confirm that his name is registered for the land he owns?

What is the web address where you can check the " Land title or %26amp;/12 for your land in Maharashtra state?
check city directory, or the register of deeds office
Reply:I would check your city's website, or Maharashtra's state website. From there, look for a tax assesor's link or a surveyor's or GIS link.
Reply:Ask any good search engine for 'revenue department of Maharashtra' and then follow the links. You will reach the site.

running shoes

How come none of the "officials" ask questions in P&S land?

Do they think they are too good for Polls %26amp; Surveys or what? Do none of the presidential candidates not care about who's leading the polls? What would it take? An attack in the Politics %26amp; Government section flooding Rudolph Giuliani question by the armed forces of P%26amp;S?

What gives???

How come none of the "officials" ask questions in P%26amp;S land?
You gotta admit the wiseass quotient is a little higher here than in other places.
Reply:this here is scary country....but on the same subject have you ever noticed there are rarely any P%26amp;S questions posted on the main Y!A page?
Reply:they think they are too good for P%26amp;S and they also think they are too good to even leave a comment to the answers. A certain former Idol contestant and a certain candidate for president both left this as the comment to the best answer that they picked to their question (see below)

Reply:we just leave up to u since u always askin
Reply:Hey... are you suggesting that now that we've conquered R%26amp;S we should take on Politics? If so... I like your thinking!
Reply:i think they'd all get suspended if they asked what they wanted to ask...dam* Y@holes...happy day:)
Reply:They are afraid of being compared with most of us.

Besides, Rico, scares them.
Reply:they don't want none of this!
Reply:I dunno........... I just want your pic back !!
Reply:Ha ha ha, cuz they know it deducts 5 pts everytime!
Reply:I guess inquiring just don't want to know. Maybe the truth hurts.
Reply:They are afraid of our opinion because they know we'll give them a piece of our mind with no sugar coating.
Reply:patrol duty
Reply:They know that we are the rightful leaders of AMERICA and they are afraid of us!

House was built on someone elses property?

As unbelievable as it sounds a contractor/land owner did not survey his property before building and erected a house on the lot next to his which he does not own. The house was just finished this year 2008. What rights does the owner of the land he built on have. Does he have to sell the land to the contractor and if so at what price or does he thank him for the new house.

House was built on someone elses property?
Actually the house now belongs to the landowner.

He can make nice and let them move it, but he is not legally obligated to do so.

A lot of people had to screw up for this to happen. The title company will be suing everyone. The county should not have even issued a building permit w/o a survey. That is completely messed up.

But, regardless of who is at fault the property is legally the land owners. He does not even have to agree to sell it, move it, nothing.
Reply:I guess it would depend on what the owner of the land says. he could charge him land rent or tell him to remove the house, or make him buy the land. Landowner got him by the britches.
Reply:Well, this has happened before in this case the landholder got a house for free. Bad luck
Reply:there are some messed up folks.

this one is a great laugh.

the house owner needs to contact a house moving company to get the house moved.

the house owner needs to get a land restoration company to restore the land of other property owner.

if the land owner 'wants' to sell he can at the price of his choice or he could do a 99year land lease to house owner.

the 'house owner' has a BIIGG bill coming their way.
Reply:The owner absolutely does NOT have to sell his property. The contractor is in deep trouble, because the land owner has the absolute right to tell him to remove the house. He can't force the builder to leave it there, but he can tell him to move it to demolish it, and restore the land to it's former state.

In the meantime, while they are hopefully negotiating, the land owner will probably not have right to enter the home, but neither will the builder have the right to enter the property, except that the courts would probably allow him access to ensure the building is protected (keep the heat on in winter, etc).

The landowner is in the driver's seat, the builder risks losing the entire amount he put into the house, or at the very least the cost of removing it and restoring the land. The best option would be it the land owner either wants to sell his land at market value (or a little more to compensate him for the trouble), or if he is willing to buy the house for some reasonable price.

To be frank, can't say as I would want a house built by a builder so dumb he did this, though.
Reply:1. Why is the owner of the property finding out after the house was built?

2. How did this builder get title insurance?

3. How was the U and O permit handled?

4. Seems like the owner of the property owns the house now.
Reply:It really depends on a lot of factors.

You need to contact a real estate attorney.

Good luck.
Reply:The problem is, the contractor doesn't have any rights either because you don't get rewarded in our judicial system for not doing due diligence and making sure the alledged owner did, indeed, own the property.

Think about it...let's say you had a track of land that you bought in a remote area for $50K and let's say that you gained $5K in equity a year.

Let's say that a contractor came along and just built a house on had no you think it's fair that a court would force you to sell your property...stripping you of all future equity and value, for something that was NEVER your fault?

Neither does our court system.

Nope..contractor and owner is going to lose on that one and the contractor can't even file a mechanics lien b/c the law requires a contract IN ADVANCE with the property owner and he won't be able to produce such document.

It will be a very, very expensive for all.....and a very lucky break for the homeowner.

There are too many public records for that to ever happen....that is why courts will have zero sympathy for the owner and the contractor...the contractor should have required the land to be put up as collateral (as a land contract) before starting work....and that is where the mistake would have been discovered...and no one would have lost anyhing.

Is my sister legally obligated to tell me about the closing of my parents home that we inheirited?

My sister told me the land needs to be surveyed and there needs to be a termite inspection to make sure everything is ok in order to close. She told I signed papers the for closing and I know I did, she also told me it depends on the inspections if we close or not. Does my sister and the real estate agent have to disclose these things to me? I have 27 days until closing to find a place to live, seems like I am getting the run around.

Is my sister legally obligated to tell me about the closing of my parents home that we inheirited?
If your name is on the title, or you have a document that says you inherited part, then you should be entitled to be kept in the loop. The only thing is that you may need an attorney to enforece it.
Reply:Yes i'd hire a lawyer to handle the situation.
Reply:Ask the realtor, his license is on the line. If you are named in the will or have adue inheritance you have the right to know everything. Try to get everything in writing, request if you have to for anything in writing through a certified letter. Sounds like you need a lawyer, maybe can't afford one, beware of the statute of limitations. Good luck

I need software that will keep records of time I spend on some computer files I use in my work.?

I work with engineering and land surveying software and find it hard to keep accurate job time since I may work on a number of job names each day, switching back and forth as information requests come in. I use a program called Microsurvey which is almost a clone of AutoCad.

I need software that will keep records of time I spend on some computer files I use in my work.?
ive seen a program called timelogger.Its supposed to record time in each program used. not quite sure how it works though. just an fyi

riding boots

I am thinking about relocating to Fort Myers, Florida...?

I work in land surveying and wanted to know how the engineering market was and what salary range I should be expecting. I have 5 years experience as an assistant survey manager.

I am thinking about relocating to Fort Myers, Florida...?
Great place but sooo expensive not like the rest of FL. Are you old or young because most of the people there are over 55. If you have time do research and send for info. from their tourist information center. Also if you can make a trip first do it, housing there cost ALOT! My sister lived there and they moved due to cost but it was Beauitful!

How do I learn Autocad?

I am interested in learning AutoCad and would like to know if there are any ways to learn it other than taking classes, such as student versions of the program, and tutorials.

Also, are there any ways I could learn it geared toward Land Surveying?

Thank you!

How do I learn Autocad?
Free Tutorials

see the sites
Reply:Gud Luck.

Do you know about certification for AutoCad ?

see following:


See the pdf Files Report Abuse

Reply:I am learning AutoCAD with proper instruction right now, and I'm glad I have an instructor who knows what to do. The software will happily let you violate standard drafting conventions, and learning those in a class setting is very useful.
Reply:I learnt it by myself with an Autocad book. Skip the book really, and Just do the tutorials at the back, then you can do everything you need to

Referenced notes must be entered into evidence?

I have a homework question for a land surveying course and I am getting comflicting information. Do you know --

If an expert witness references an unrecorded set of field notes, are the notes themselves required to be allowed as evidence?

Referenced notes must be entered into evidence?

How do i settle a land dispute in virginia?

neighbor claims survey flags are wrong

How do i settle a land dispute in virginia?
I would suggest that you inform your surveyor that your neighbor believes his work is wrong. Ask the surveyor whether or not he spoke to your neighbor about this matter while he was doing the survey. If he did not, then give your neighbor the surveyors phone number, and tell them to ask the surveyor to explain how he determined the property line location. The surveyor should be able to explain what he did well enough to satisfy your neighbor. If your neighbor is still unhappy after that, they can order a survey of their own, and if their surveyor comes up with a different result, the matter will need to be decided in a court of law, unless you and your neighbor can reach a settlement out of court.
Reply:if you had a survey and your neighbor claims its wrong then it will be their burden to prove it's wrong

the benefit of the doubt will lie with you and the most current survey, if they claim its Wong then besides their gut feeling they will need to produce proof that your survey was wrong if not the survey will stand as controlling authority

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Recent 100% reliable CSDS survey found 87%people of Kashmir valley want full freedom. Shouldn't be respected?

CSDS survey has found that 87% people of Kashmir Valley want COMPLETE INDEPENDENCE as the solution of the problem of DISPUTED state, running from1947[actually the problem started on 16 th March,1846 as a result of human sale deed(Rs7per head)based imposition of Hidu monarchy by British against the wishes of people of state] b coz of dishonesty, injustices, treachery, fraudulent manipulation %26amp; subterfuge of Delhi's leaderships %26amp; dirty dilly dallying to postpone %26amp; keep state by hook or by crook without solution %26amp; saying unilaterally dat d dirty illegal actions were the substitutes of FREE %26amp; FAIR PLEBISCITE under UN auspices which was declared illegal by UNSC on January24, 1957. If a good taken by theft is with you for 60 years %26amp; by force you keep it dat does not justify ownership. By honesty %26amp; justice all Indian actions to destroy the autonomy of the state were illegal.We know better that 99% people want India out of their land. Must it not be respected or no principle is in India ?

Recent 100% reliable CSDS survey found 87%people of Kashmir valley want full freedom. Shouldn't be respected?
Kashmir was an independent state at the time of Independence. What ever happened after that was illegal and inhuman. India and Pakistan occupied equal parts of Kashmir and terrorizing every common man in Kashmir. Kashmir was swallowed by both countries towards war expenses.
Reply:Kashmir is an integral part of India and so are few states around India because they are geographically and culturally close and were unified in past.

Voting is not preferred because a lot of original Kashmiris were chased away from their home using terror tactics.

Why dont you promise next 20 years of no terror and killings and then conduct plebiscite after that , that would require lots of courage and honesty.

Your anger against BJP and RSS is understandable because they are pro-Hindu but lot of it is more from your perceived notion rather than truth. In fact you can go to an RSS branch and see what work they do.

During times of calamities they have helped people from ALL religions including Muslims too.

You are selectively taking only those news items which suit your idea.
Reply:A wonder full Q in time .The people of INDIA %26amp; PAKISTAN should take in mind .Kasmir matter is not A Hindu Muslim matter .the Kasmeris are fighting for thier fgreedom.the radical partries are using this as a platform for benifit of politics. Parties such as B J P ,R S S ,.further more india had assuerd Kasmir more freedom in to the state but till never keep its words. they had changed the propaganda as radical issue.
Reply:it is the security related matters for the India.
Reply:Exactly that is the problem; 13% of people dont want full freedom. Majority desire should be respected or minority fears should be allayed? Partition between India and Pakistan saw, minority staying in India. For the sake of minorities, majority suffers here. If it is said, 'so, you also suffer', will it be acceptable? While composite India was invaded and ruled by Islam rulers, Muslim population should have been created. While so, correct history should tell us truth about how a Hindu Monarch was ruling Kashmir, if it is not part of India and how Muslims are 85% now.

'India and Pakistan', what Britain %26amp; Jinnah created, is maintained by Britain, US and China; Kashmir, from its problem point of view, is a miniature India.
Reply:Yahoo forum cannot solve this issue.Time is fast ripening for Kashmiris to prove that they would be FREE through the ballot.
Reply:You can even get 100% after driving away the remaining Hindus.
Reply:In all surveys it the one who pays the piper calls the tune

kashmir has enjoyed more freedom than other indian have enjoyed.

Kashmir has bled indian economy

Kashmiri can buy property anywhere while GOI can not construct high court in kashmir coz president is not a resident of kashmir

kashmir is personal property of nehru family.

every body wants freedom , but what is freedom and how it is be dealt with

what benefit kashmir confers on india economically, and politically

Benazir Bhutto once saidkashmir has lost significance with pakistani voters due to economic burden but not with indians is it media hype
Reply:Pakistanis got pakistan in 1947 being carved out of India, Bangladeshis got Bangladesh in 1972 by declaring their independence from the tyrannical rule of West Pakistan. There is no problem whatsoever if Kashmiris are conceded Kashmir by both India and pakistan. This is the only viable solution for this long pending contentious issue. But kashmiris have to understand that running a state and a independent country is not an easy ball game. Kashmir is a home for Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists and is adjoined by two nuclear powers namely India and pakistan, they have no port, no army, no defence equipment, no state treasury, no means of sustenance except to either depend on Pakistan or India. It is something easier said than done, all the pros and cons of the issue have to be considered before such a decision is arrived at. Until such time the Kashmiris have to keep on struggling.

I am buying a house, I've just received the survey from the council, details below,what shall I do?

On the question, Planning Designations and Proposals

'What designations of land use for the peroperty or the area, and what specfif propsals for the peroperty, are contained in any currenent adotped or propseed development plan?'

The answer is 'Yes - UDP identifies the above property as being subject to development for major highway improvement proposals'

I really liked the property, however I am not sure whether I should go ahead with the purchase, any suggestions?

I am buying a house, I've just received the survey from the council, details below,what shall I do?
My partner is a property developer. He says that you need to investigate this further - find out excactly what the developments are - you can get this from the local planning department and get it in writing. For example, it could be improvements in the road system which would be a good thing or, they could be planning on building a new motorway outside your property which would not be so good! Importantly, remember the saleability of the property when you move - will someone else want to buy it from you in a few years time. Don't be hasty - maybe just have a little look to see if there is another more suitable property you can buy.
Reply:I wouldn't buy that property, you might be forced to give it up soon when the highway dept. decides they want your property or some of it. You'll never get fair value. It may look good now but I'm certain in the very near future you'll regret your decision if you decide to buy.

that happened to someone i know and they lost thousands - council bought it back at base value - never built the road, but then proceeded to sell the propertiese at a much higher price. It was a complete nightmare! There are always plenty of houses for sale, start looking again, you dont want to be landed with a turtle!

Reply:I wouldn't. It is one of those loosley worded situations where they could do what they liked. You might like it now, but will you like it in 2 years time with a highway running through your garden? Not too peaceful, really.....
Reply:The Council have indicated that your proposed buy is going to be either purchased for highway building or is to be altered ie some of the land may be lost . Any future sale will reflect the loss of amenitee no matter what they do give it a miss.~~
Reply:u have to visit this site. LEARN effective on-line Due Diligence strategies- enabling you to use your computer and the Internet to identify the moneymaking properties (and avoid problem properties) WITHOUT having to actually visit them. LEARN how to find a property’s exact location, even if it doesn’t have a physical address
Reply:You would be mad to go ahead with the sale of this property cause when they are ready to do the development of the highway and they take the land back off you for what they want to pay you and they never pay you what the property is worth, so you would be throwing your money away if you went ahead with it.

How do I find the diameter of a circle equal to 10m squared?

I need to survey individual blocks of land at 10 x 10 m (100 square meters).

Instead of marking the square out using 4 marker points I would like to measure this on the ground with a single stick and rope (to save time).

I want to place the stick in the ground, unravel the rope and walk in a circle from start to finish. How long does my rope need to be?

How do I find the diameter of a circle equal to 10m squared?
Well the area of a circle is Pi * r^2

So 100 = Pi x r^2

So 100/Pi = r^2

So Sqrt(100/Pi) = r

r = the length of rope you need (it's the radius not the diameter)

I make that 5.64 metres
Reply:It appears that you are required to survey parcels of land which are SQUARE, the sides of which are 10m long i.e. covering an area of 100sq.m.

How does marking out a circle who's area is 100sq.m. help you to do that?

When I calculate the radius of a circle with an area of 100sq.m. I get 5.64m, i.e. a diameter of 11.28m.

This circle is larger than the sides of the square but smaller than the diagonals of the square!!
Reply:area of circle=pi *(d^2)/4

where d is the diameter of circle





you can measure it






My dad is giving me some land in MN, but we don't know the process. How do you divide land into parcels?

Would like to know step by step, as well as how much we can do ourselves. Must we have it surveyed? What forms are used and in what order?

My dad is giving me some land in MN, but we don't know the process. How do you divide land into parcels?
well this is a legal process so you should consult a real estate lawyer of lidagator for the best and most legal way.
Reply:all u have to do is have the part he is giving survayed then he can sign it over to u ,,,
Reply:Go the the city / county office wher they give permits, have the land surveyed. Take the survey to the city and show them the part of the property to be gifted to you. Apply to have the property legaly split into parcels. When the city approves the land division go to county recorders office and record the parcle in your name and bingo the plot is yours.

The city may or may not approve the land division. It has to make sence they are not going to allow you to take a part of the property that can not be accessed. For example if it is a square in the middle of the property that requires you to cut across the other parcles portion to access it. It may also be in a position where the city or other vendors can not get to it (sewer pipes, electric lines, city maintainence ect...) It may look fine in theory but not flow with the highest and best overall use of the land. If the division of the property would cause the city to reroute a sewer line costing tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars the split will not go through.

The citys planning department will know and help you with the whole proccess.
Reply:First you have to find out if this land can be divided into parcels. I know it sounds stupid you own it you should be able to do what you want with it but you always have to have someone else give you the rules. So first contact your county building department and find out if you can divide it.

converse safety shoes

Need help w/ a office board. its a piece of plywood dividing 2 desks. Cork board/tiles?

This is a land survey office. Thought of cork board but soo expensive. Cork tiles might be an option to glue on if I can find them. Unless anyone else has any ideas? Want to make it look good/professional and be funtional.

Need help w/ a office board. its a piece of plywood dividing 2 desks. Cork board/tiles?
Instead of cork, you could get some rigid insulation from the hardware store, cover it in fabric, and attach to plywood. Cheap and attractive, depending on your taste in fabric. Woven or knit fabrics will work, but you want it to have a large enough grain that pin holes won't make it look ratty.

Plus, cork can be very thin - rigid insulation is at least 1/2" thick. thicker medium = better stick-pinning.
Reply:Some other ideas would include

- a piece of sheet metal glue you could stick magnets too

- white board

- black or green board

All of these should be avalible at DYI stores.

Would you be willing to do my Bush Administration Survey?

Just type a big "Y" if you think that the Bush Administration is the worst presidential administration this nation has ever encountered.

Just type a big "N" if you think otherwise...

Also..if you feel like expressing yourself about him or his administration whether positive or negative, feel live in the land of the free....right?

Would you be willing to do my Bush Administration Survey?
Reply:"N" Thus far Bush has been the second most effective president in my lifetime... Reagan is still numero uno , baby
Reply:?......when confronted with the largest attack on the US since pearl harbor....the first on continental soil....what would you have done???......we were attacked by a non government entity...a first in world qaida is a group, not a nation...although it has some nations supporting it.......they believe they exist to kill us...wherever they can, whenever they can...they will sacrifice themselves, their families, their neighbors kids, eliminate us...this is a new dynamic......even in Ireland, when the IRA sought freedom from the Brits, they were labeled terrorists, but they did not blow themselves up to kill Brits......this is new.....if you were Pres, how would you do the governments job....and protect the American people??????????? It seems pretty simple now, fight them there, or fight them here (endure attacks like 911)....
Reply:Y; afraid what I have to say about the current administration isn't fit to print here!!!

Why? have u got enough time?

He is a intellectual moron, who does not understand the value of innocent human life, if what he has done is right why did the twins not delay their schooling and volunteer for service in the armed forces???

Do you remember the Carter Administration? That was by far the worst, at least in the past century.

What vexes me the most is that grin that he gets when he believes he's giving a rational and uncanny explanation, when everyone at home is thinking what a moron he is.
Reply:Sure. The answer is N. For the Bern_CH guy: Are the Swiss less neutral than they ever were? Can't get 'roids from riding the fence anyway can you? What's a neutral opinion worth?

I think this administration has encountered more than its share of problems, what with the terrorist attack of 9/11 , the natural disasters, the immigration fiasco, and the democrats focusing on Bush-Bashing rather than trying to work with all the Congress to solve the issues that face us as a nation in these violent times. I am pleased to have a president in office who is morally upright, determined to do what he believes is the best thing for our nation, who is a devoted family man, and who isn't afraid to admit he prays regularly for God to give him wisdom and strength to stand firm for the citizens of his country.
Reply:N. You weren't around for the Carter administration. You obviously have no idea how well off you are right now.

He's a pathetic, greedy imbecile.
Reply:Dont know if its the worse. It sure is having a seriously negative impact on America. After he is gone we are going to need a great president to help America recover.
Reply:Fairly mediocre overall. I have only lived thru 9 administrations and it does appear to be the worst, but then again there is more scrutiny and ways to criticize than ever before.
Reply:hmmlet me think YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY and to other people hu think that other presidents were wort them bush, well guess what YYYYYYY to them to! bush's war f@*kd wit my country aus n now i have to pay heaps of muny for petrol! go to hell Bush, maybe ur wanted there more!

I need advice on my final year undergraduate project in Business Information Systems.?

As a direct entrant to final year undergraduate BIS programme from an engineering (Land Surveying) background, I would like to write a project where I develop something using GIS. Problem is I do not know what to do. I think this stems from my limited programming skills. We have already written 1 group project and 1 individual project both of which were dissertations which is why I do not want to write another dissertation, believing (rightly or wrongly that) a development project will increase my chances of getting higher marks. Is there anyone out there with any advice on what I can or should do w.r.t. GIS and what I should learn in order to develop it?

I need advice on my final year undergraduate project in Business Information Systems.?
There is a lot you can do with your GIS knowledge. Geodetics is a hot area, with applications to measure reservoirs using aerial spot data etc.

You really don't have to code the program, if your focus is not programming, but more into solution design. You could develop the Architectural Document followed by Solution Design. These are the crucial parts of a program design and need a deep knowledge of the Solution Domain (GIS, in your case) and not much to do with programming itself. The third and the fourth parts (Component Design and Component Delivery Modules) are usually where a lot of programming knowledge is required.

Good luck. If you need more info, add additional details and I'll do my best to answer them:-))
Reply:May be you can contact a freelance programmer to help you code your project . Check websites like

Real Estate can you make neighbor pay 1 /2 for Survey?

Father Inlaw died, land was in estate, then neighbor bull doze the fence lines down where we can not tell where the property lines where., can we make the neighbor pay 1/2 of the Survey. State is KY

Real Estate can you make neighbor pay 1 /2 for Survey?
Did the neighbor request the survey also? Probably not then.
Reply:Doubt it but it may be well worth getting the survey done.....and paying for it..

Why did he want the property lines gone??? hmm
Reply:It sounds like you assume that the fence was in the right location to begin with. More often than not, people build fences where they "think" the property line is without conducting a survey first.

To answer you question: No, you can't make them.

If it turns out the fence was on your property you may be able to re-coupe the funds to replace it if that is what you are going after.
Reply:No. You are the one who benefits from the survey being done so you cannot force the neighbor to pay anything. If you have a copy of the abstract from when you father-in-law bought the house, you may be able to locate the property line stakes. Many are concrete and may be below the dirt. Even if the neighbor removed the stakes on his side, the ones on the other side may still be there and a measurement done.
Reply:No. Without the survey there is no reason to assume that the fence was on the property line to begin with.
Reply:You can ask, but they have no legal obligation to pay part

of your survey. Until you know where the property lines are

you can't even claim the fences were not on your property.
Reply:I do not know if you can make the nighbor pay for half of the survey, but you can pay for the survey, and if there is a violation, you can sue him for the damages caused by his actions and the survey.
Reply:It is likely the neighbor was waiting for your father-in-law to die because the two of them had probably disagreed on the location of the fence..... the neighbor thinking the fence was too far on his property, giving your father-in-law part of the neighbor's land. As soon as he passed away, the neighbor "fixed" the problem.

The only way you can get the neighbor to pay for half the survey is if you can show him he has something to gain from it. Then, he still may not pay. He doesn't really have to.

One consideration.... the original corner markers, stakes, pins or monuments may still be in place. Some become buried below the ground a few inches. If you know roughly where those should be, you may dig around and find them.

However, I can almost predict with good certainty the neighbor knows exactly where the corners are. He may have disturbed, moved or obliterated the monumnets.

It is best you get a new survey, have the surveyor replace the corner markers and provide you with a plat. Make sure the surveyor files the new survey and the plat in the county courthouse.

Just pay for it yourself. If you put up a new fence, make sure it is installed about 4" inside your property line.

Remember.... "Good fences make good neighbors"

my bird

The city of temecula built utilites and made a road out of my land. Encrochment? What do i do?

About 8 years ago the city made a dirt road that is on my property, now that i want to sell, i can get it surveyed for what its worth. Help Me~

The city of temecula built utilites and made a road out of my land. Encrochment? What do i do?
They would have paid the property owner market value or they would have secured legal written permission. You have to check with the county recorders office to see how that road is recorded.
Reply:My friend, this is a job for a lawyer. Bust out the Yellow Pages.
Reply:You can ask the city for compensation, especially if they took the land through eminent domain.

The compensation would be the surveyed value less the actual amount reeived in a sale.

Note, though, that there may be a statute of limitations on your claim. If you have one nothing for 8 years, then the city may have acquired the rights to the land.

Should the US tap all the oil that is within its own boarders?

To those who think we are in Iraq for oil, do you think tapping our own oil will end the war?

Northwestern Colorado. August 2005.

The U.S. Energy Department announces the results of a land survey...

It was conducted to determine the official amount of oil a thousand feet deep in the Rocky Mountains...

They reported this stunning news:

We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth.

Here are the official estimates:

• 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia

• 18-times as much oil as Iraq

• 21-times as much oil as Kuwait

• 22-times as much oil as Iran

• 500-times as much oil as Yemen

...And it's all right here in the Western United States.

James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says, "We've got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East."

More than 2 TRILLION barrels. Untapped.

"That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today," reports The Denver Post.

Should the US tap all the oil that is within its own boarders?
Nooo. I love gas at $3.00/gal.

High gas prices are the next best thing to any goal of the eco-activist because in theory, it enforces an amount of conservation automatically.

In reality, studies have shown that people are unwilling to compromise any part of their lifestyle simply because its more expensive. People natually are going to travel a little less but what kind of solution is that to anything? We're still going to get to where we're going in 50 years it will just take slightly longer.

Libs dont want to drill for oil because they actually secretly like the high prices because it fuels the eco-activist agenda. The unfortunate side-effect is that we become dependent on foriegn oil and end up funding some of the most corrupt and brutal govts there are. (a problem liberals arent willing to face among others)
Reply:lack of crude is not the problem. it is lack of refineries. also the market is not supply and demand driven. it is politically and financially. however eventually we are going to have to bite the bullet. this is not a renewing source.
Reply:I agree with both bksooy and mountainman.

But those estimates are also quite inflated.

More oil is not the answer. We need to move away from it toward some other cleaner and renewable energy.
Reply:Sure, but only as part of a total program to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

If you wonder why this hasn't been done, it's NOT mainly the fault of the environmentalists. The reasons were economic. Some of this US oil was and is too costly to extract. More profits could be made by buying middle east oil. It's the same reason why the oil companies didn't build new refineries in the US. It wasn't the best use of their money at that time; more profits could be earned by refining oil elsewhere.

Drill the wells and open the spigots!
Reply:It's all a lie ! You are obviously a paid government stooge.

During the Carter Administration, they issued dire warnings that we'd run out of oil in 20 years. Hence, by my calculations, we've already run out of oil !!!

This can only mean we are in a dire situation, and to prevent public panic, the government has been secretly tapping alternative sources of oil to meet demand, such as the oil dumped out of KFC restaurants. I'll bet they're recycling the french fries at McDonalds right now. It's all a big government secret.

You know all those "runaway teens" you see on milk cartons? I know from reputable websites that the evil U.S. government has kidnapped thousands of pimply faced teens whose faces are literal gold mines of oil. These oil laden teens are forcibly restrained in secret underground labs where their faces are tapped daily for precious crude.

When I go to my global warming meeting next week, we're all going to have a big laugh at your thinly-veiled attempt to dupe the public. We all know there is no more oil left. We're all doomed. How are we supposed to believe these scientists? They've started to recant about global warming. That's heresy! I was all ready to give carbon credits to my best friends as Christmas presents, and you're ruining the whole thing!
Reply:Frankly, I don't see that our energy policy makes any sense.

26-50% of the Alaska oil is owned by foriegn companies depending on who you believe.

US OIL Production is 1,890,106,000 bl/yr or ½ of production level of 1970

We export 571,225,000 or 25% of what we produce

We import 4,580,385,000 or 2X of import level of 1970’s

Frankly our oil supply is controled by BIG OIL COMPANIES and they produce, import and export based on what makes them the most money.

I believe they use stratagies designed to drive up prices. Otherwise why export 25% of what we produce here and why not as you say drill for it here and keep it here.

As President Bush said "We need an energy bill that encourages consumption." —Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002


Since 1981, the number of refineries in the US has decreased from 324 to 153-a 52% reduction. We haven't opened a new refinery capable of processing 200,000 barrels per day in almost 25 years.

Reduce supply drives up price on purpose.
Reply:Why should US do that, as long as oil is available elsewhere? Oil diplomacy for energy security! you know !!!!!!!!
Reply:Yes. It's crazy that our government is not doing anything to help tap into our own oil. Why should we have to depend on other countries when we have it already? We have not made the transition to other sources yet and will still need it for years to come before we have. It is just not reasonable to demand it stops today.
Reply:We need to get OFF oil.There are existing fields.Secure them until we can transition.Oil isn't the future,it belongs in the past.The solution isn't more earth raping,it is evolving past that.That takes time,we should make it more than a rhetoric.I propose we put a standing 1 TRILLION dollar cash reward to the company or companies that can make the transition economically feasible.that ought to be incentive to put a lot of lab coats working on it.We just need to secure what's already tapped until we can get the h ell off of it
Reply:We need new refineries and the libs in congress have made that impossible nor will they let us drill for oil.

Wait until the libs get in power and federalise all the oil,then when they control the money,we'll get to drill and build.

Of course they'll add a few taxes on every gallon.

That needs to be kept in reserve.

What happens the day we use up all of our own domestic oil? Do we then start another war?

The time has come for Americans to grow up, reduce their use of carbon based fuels, and get those dreadful SUV's off the highway!